Thirty six

19 1 0


Kill the girl but who?I thought as I fiddled with my pen while waiting for Mira, who had gone to relieve herself. Definitely not Ruby, cause she overheard the conversation. I think Abi being the culprit is rather too convenient? But who?

"Hey! Are you okay?" Riley whispered from her seat.

"I am." I said and I spun the pen again. I drew a line, "Then I'm not. There's RED who we haven't caught. It's been three minutes. Where the heck is Mira?"

Riley glanced around nervously before whispering, "You don't think....."

"No!" I shrugged.

"Something's happened to her?"She squinted her eyes and snapped her fingers.

"Maybe it should be more advisable if we move in groups from now on."

"Good morning class."The ICT teacher sing sang as she ran into the classroom.

"Good morning ma." We chorused.

"Good morning." She locked the door hurriedly and kicked off her boots.

She grinned, "How many of you are ready to die?"

"Die?" The class chorused.

I explained, "Maybe she means die in a good way."

"Nope by the way I'm Gretchel, your ICT teacher. Nice to meet your acquaintance. In the next four minutes. The zombie apocalypse or as they call it, the Revolution is going to begin. Many people are going to die so I ask again, do you want to die?"

"No!"A girl at the front screamed.

"Good I have a magic bag with me. But first you have trust to trust me." She panted fiddling for the key in her black purse.

"Viola!" She brought it out and she used it to open the drawer.

She paused to properly tie her hair with a rubber band, "I've been prepared since I heard about the Revolution of the  class of the 1980's."

"This isn't a newly merged school is it?" Titi screamed kicking off her shoes.

"No time for trivialities." Miss Gretchel managed to bring out a black paper bag. She opened it, and searched briefly for something. She smiled and brought the pistol straight to her mouth.

"Tastes like old time." She grinned.

She aimed it at the roof,
"And works just like old times."

She paused to stare at our terrified faces.

"Sweethearts you're still staring? It's till the last man drops! Get your weapons." She took off her jacket and it revealed a low cut blouse which left little to the imagination.

"The better you feel freer, the easier it is for you to run."

Everyone kicked off their shoes and removed their jackets. A girl at the back walked undecidedly to the bag and brought a gun. She nodded uncertainly

"My turn!" Shegun screamed bringing out a cutlass,
"I've always wanted to slash human bones!"

Riley walked up and chose a  knife.

So on it went, till I chose the last gun. I stared swallowing a gulp,
I don't even know how to use this.

Just then, Mrs Gretchen opened the class door and her phone started ringing.

"There goes the alarm girls. Remember to have some fun and most importantly don't die! Till the last of them drops."

She blew us a kiss and walked slowly out, she shot the first girl on sight.

"Oops! My bad." She winked and sashayed down the stairs.

"Yop!" Riley mumbled, turning over the other way to throw up.

"We're going to die!"

"No!" I urged holding her arms, as the girls scattered in different directions, "we're going to search for Mira she's unharmed."

Riley glanced at the empty hallway, "and if we're killed along the line?"

"Then we die." I dragged her hands and we took slow cautious steps in the hallway.

The Revolution has begun.
Now we know where that earlier shot came from🤷🏽‍♀️

Chapter song: Let the games begin by AJR

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