Thirty two

12 3 0

Previously on her silence
Vera took a look at us and pronounced, "frenemy."
"Literature is life and life is literature." Mr Williams demonstrated moving back and forth.

He is one of those teachers that is really passionate about what he's teaching.

A brief look at my surroundings and I discover I'm not the only one as excited as he is. Maybe because I'm thinking of how Dennis plan will go.

"Literature!" Mr Williams yells.

"Is life, the way you eat food and drink water to live, we need literature to survive. Literature can be defined as the mirror by which the world sees itself. It reflects the society and points out errors. It magnifies the beauty of life. Can someone tell me one of the three genres of literature?"

Many hands shot up.

"You!" He pointed at a girl behind me.

She stood up confidently, "Prose."

"Your name?" Mr Williams grinned.


"Amaka can you briefly define prose for us?"

"Prose is a form of literature expressed in simple words divided into chapters, pages and paragraphs."

"Beautiful!" Mr Williams boomed, searching our faces one by one.

"The beauty of literature is that we all have a story to tell but how you tell it distinguishes you. Who can tell us another genre? Yes you. The girl in front of Amaka."

Oh me! I stood up, "poetry. Poetry is also referred to as poems written in stanzas or lines." I explained.

Mr Williams nodded and pointed at another girl to answer the last genre.

"Any questions before we proceed with the note?"He stared at our faces, till his eyes rested on mine.

I raised my hands reluctantly.


"Xen..Xendeya." I completed.

"You have a question?"

"Yes sir but it's not exactly related to what was discussed today. You know you explained prose and you know every prose must have a plot. My question is that in case you want to write a story where a character intends to kill someone or get a revenge. Do that character have to have a concise reason and are there usually clues?"

The whole class mumbled. Maybe confused at my question but Mr Williams was still smiling.

"Yes Xendeya. You see the more you read mystery stories the more you understand. Every villain has a story to tell and every revenge always comes with a concise reason. Sometimes the identity of the intended murderer and clues about the person or his or her target are usually infused on the stories. You just have to read deeper. Re examine the evidences. Remember the one with the most innocent face, the weakest is always the evil one. The one who isn't capable of doing such should be number one on your list! There's always a little information that the reader overlooks that causes the climax. I assume you asked that question because you wanted to get information for a story you're writing?" Mr Williams asked.

I replied aloud,

"Yes sir."

But I was thinking.

What exactly were we missing?

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