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Previously on her silence...

Him acting all high and mighty when he didn't know anything.

"So let me get this straight?"I asked.

"We're lost"I said.

"Yep"he mumbled.

"Excuse me"I said moving further.

   Cupping my hands to my mouth I screamed,


"Ah...Ah.. you're already angry?"

She warned, "Avoid me."

"Vera is our best friend and I don't know why she made the foolish decision of sneaking away but she might be in danger. "I said.

Mira glanced at me helplessly.

"I have to find her before it's too late. I'm going to take the stairs. Cover for me"I said.

"Be careful"Mira warned.

"I will"I said.

I walked out of the room and I stared at the stairs.

"You can do this Darla.. just keep on running and don't stop!"

I heard a faint shout, just as I stumbled down the flight of stairs.

"Use the elevator na." But it didn't make much sense till later .

I released my grip and she stared at the injury.

"What did you just call me?"

"Barbie doll. You remind me of one. Only you're not so tall"I grinned.

"You are mad. You hear me you are mad. Don't even call me that"she eyed me and walked away.

I followed her softly musing.

What's wrong with me?

Barbie doll. Really?


Someone locked me in a dark room. The joke was on them. Did they expect me to scream? Shriek? Beg for Mercy. Ha! I loved the dark atmosphere. It gave me time to meditate.

    In a room when all i could hear was my echoes, I was  taken down memory lane. It had given me time.. time to remember what Audrey and her friends had done to me. Time to make a plan to make their lives miserable.

     In the process of my scheming, I was pacing up and down the room. I stepped on something and paused. Was there a vile slimy creature on the loose here? Rather impossible. I bent searching for it, till I faintly touched it. Pity this was  no vile creature. Only a paper. It was weak. I did not like weak things. What was with the management anyway leaving dirty pieces of paper on a dark room. I thought better of them.

    I paced once again but stepped on another. What was this? Republic of Papers? I picked it up. Interestingly smooth. I could use some light. Right? The irony I was locked in a dark room and I come across papers. What was the deal with this anyway.

   I was almost halfway through my revenge plan when.....

"I'm getting least I'm aging well."

Shit! I forgot I snuggled this in my skirt pocket. I groped for my phone. It slipped from my hand and made a crashing start towards the ground but I caught it just in time. Who could be calling? I stared at the caller's name and smirked, "Not today."

Back to the paper. I had a source of light, now I could see it's content.

I heard someone from outside growl,
"Malcolm did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" The other voice returned irritated.

The voice faltered, "I could have sworn I heard getting older by Billie Ellish."

"Greg this is the last time I'm saying this. Stop listening to her songs or you'd go completely crazy.  Now you're hearing imaginary songs too. Can you please shut up so I can figure out what I'm getting Cassandra for her birthday" Malcom snapped.

  Yeesh I wouldn't want to be him. I placed my phone on silent mode and turned on the flashlight.

I picked up the first piece of paper. Oh...My... What! These are codes. Different numbers but what could they mean. Then I noticed almost every single space was filled with papers. It would have been impossible to avoid them.  I picked up the next paper this time codes arranged in alphabets. The next... This time symbols. The next... seemed like someone took typewriting very seriously.  Then the fourth. Why should I bother reading these anyway? Just a bunch of old boring codes. Why should I care? I should go back to scheming.

I picked it up. The only sentence in English said it all,

"Find the girl and kill her."

Made me wonder just how many more papers they were. Chill? Fright? The urge to vomit? Yes I felt that. I was weak.

The only question.

Find the girl but who?

Hehehehehe the pressure is getting......

Find the girl but who? Where are our detectives?

It has begun!

P.S our chapter song is included in the chapter.

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