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Previously on her silence....

Was it the stare in her eyes or the moment I started to realize. If Ruby was actually missing what's the chance me and my friends would be next.


"I don't understand . Why would Ruby's  life be in danger? What if they just let her out of the dark room?" Lora questioned creasing her brows.

"Because! Because I sneaked there. I heard them talking. She found out a plan to kill someone and now she's going to be killed. She didn't deserve any of this." Riley slumped down, tears starting to fall from her eyes.

"I think the plan was to kill me." Abi said softly staring at Riley with eyes of pity as she helped her up.

"You! You can talk?"I asked in disbelief.

"It's all happening like my aunt said it would." Abi mumbled. She glanced around and pulled us all into a room.

"So are we in trouble?"Lora grinned, resting against a wall.

"My life is danger. Our lives is in potential danger. This is not a joke. A murderer is on the loose! she killed my dad nine years ago and I know I'm next. I can't get into details right now but If Riley is saying the truth then Ruby might already be...."

"She can't be dead!" Riley sobbed.

"I have to warn the others!" I stood, ready to leave but Lora whispered,"we can't trust anyone. Not even friends."

"We need to trust everyone including friends. I have a plan but I need everyone here for it to work.


Mira paced back and forth,"So let me get this straight,Abi knows how to talk and a murderer is trying to kill Ruby?"

"Yep, and she could kill any of us to get revenge. But I don't want to die yet. I've not found love."Vera squealed.

"Which comes to the main issue." Xen brought out a stick from God knows where and  pointed at an imaginary board.

"The list of suspects. Who's on the number one  on the list?"Xen asked Abi.

Abi stroked her chin thoughtfully, "my aunty."

"Why? I thought she was family?"Judy mumbled.

"It's always the one you least expect. When my dad died, she was the first to see me in my hospital room. She asked me if I could talk and said if I could, the murderer would come for me because I saw her face. She told me to pretend to be mute, that's the only way I would save by life. I would always be at home, home schooled and protected and I believed her. She convinced the doctor and since then, I had to put up a show. Though initially I lost my voice because of the shock but after some months it came back."

"Definitely number one on my list." Lisa counted one with her palm.

"Do you remember slightly what happened that night?" Xen asked.

"That's the funny thing. I can't remember nada. All I knew was that I was in the car one minute with my dad. Next minute I was in the hospital and he... he was gone!"

"I'm so sorry!" I whispered.

"So here goes the plan." Abi whispered.

"We tell the school and......"

"That's a no go area...."The door flew open.


"What are boys doing here in girl's hostel?" Lisa yelled.

"Hush!" I warned.

"She did say, she needed friends for her plan to work. So I called some special friends. The more the merrier right?"i grinned.

Dylan strolled over to Vera, "hi baby doll."

"Come one foot closer and you'd get a broken nose."she threatened.

"They're cute!" Mira screamed ogling at one of the other friends.

"I'm Collins!" One of them stretched out his hand to Mira.
She ignored him looking at the other who walked past her and sat at the end of the bed. Rude much?

"Dennis introduce your friends!"Lisa sighed.

"Oh meet Dylan. Collins. Wisdom and Jed."

"Smoooth!" Lisa rolled her eyes.

"Guys!" Someone screamed stepping into the room. It was Riley. She was breathing heavily.

"I just.. saw her!"


"I just saw Ruby going to the room."

"I'd go talk her." Abi said walking away.

"So back to the plan..."Dennis said when she left the room.

He talked in quite low tones and asked,
"Does everyone understand?"

"Yes." We chorused.

Chapter song:Life is beautiful by the Aftershock

Her silenceWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt