1 - The beginning

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"SARAH, PLEASE. STAY with me, I'm begging you!" I said, almost going down on my knees.

"Maya, we're not in the same grade. I'm sure you'll meet nice people!" she replied.

I hoped that was true. I was in a whole new school. I didn't know anyone.

I hadn't got much sleep the night before. I'd always been nervous about changes.
Picking out the right outfit was way more important anyway.

"But please, be careful with boys. I don't want you getting hurt." My sister told me. I hadn't thought about boys since now. I'd had one boyfriend back home, and after what happened, I didn't want anything to do with that now.

I wanted change.

Apparently I'd change in geography, because the bell rang.

Four minutes after the bell, I opened the door breathless. Everyone was looking at me, and I swore we could've heard a fly.

"I'm so, so sorry. I- it's my first day."

A boy sitting in the back giggled. The teacher asked him what was so funny, he didn't answer. He wasn't taking his eyes off me until a brunette asked him to stop.

Awkwardness filled the room, and I began to feel guilty for bothering a whole bunch of students.


"Maya, um Cameron."

I could see everyone looking at each other and the boy who laughed talking to a girl and two boys. Why did my last name seemed so big?

"Well, Maya, there's a free place over there just for you."

I fixed my gaze on the assigned seat. As I could see, the whole world was against me, because the blonde boy was sitting next to my place.  Perfect...

He grinned at me as I sat next to him.

I did the best as I could to keep my eyes at the teacher when he was clearly observing me. That guy definitely needed some lesson about being polite. After two minutes, I couldn't take it anymore.

"May I help you? You know that we're currently learning states, not my face, right?" I asked, turning my face to look at his.

Having now a whole look at his face, I could see he was handsome. His blonde and curly hair was falling down his forehead, his jawline was perfectly drawn and his blue eyes were captivating.

He looked back at the board, grinning. Did I observe him too long? Was I being creepy? He was pretty, I had to admit it. But I had to get this thought out of my head. I wasn't planning on dating a guy. If Sarah was with me, she would've beaten my ass.


LUNCH TIME ARRIVED fast and I was excited to see my sister.

"Maya!" I heard her in the hallway. When I saw the girl running to me, I felt relieved. "Let's go at a table with my friends."

Once we got to the table, the four kids of class were waiting for my sister.

"Wait, these are your friends ?" I asked, not sure if I wanted to eat there anymore.

"Of course!" Sarah answered.

"This is John B, my boyfriend."

"Pope, Kiara."

"And this is JJ."

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