21 - Talk

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Everyone was looking at me when we got outside. And by that, I mean everyone. My cheeks were wet and the man's grip was still hurting me. I looked for Sarah in the crowd, but she wasn't there. My sister couldn't help me.

"Please, I didn't do anything!" I was all alone. My brain was only focusing on the sound of my footsteps. It was that or hearing what awful comments people were whispering.

"Stop trying to escape me, will you?" The man was guiding me through the crowd when I heard a familiar voice yell.

"Hey! What are you doing?" 

I looked around and was suddenly relieved. It was dad. 

"Sir, I am guiding this girl to the exit. She was bothering your son." The old man explained.

Ward laughed and clenched his jaw. "Yeah, the girl you are holding is my daughter." He scoffed.

I felt the hands on my arms stiffen. He knew he was in trouble. With that reason, I was literally untouchable. Ward was starting a sentence but got interrupted the man's grip suddenly disappeared. 

I turned around and saw the man on the ground and JJ looking at him. "Sorry man, it wasn't part of the plan." The blonde turned to look at me. "Maya, I am so sorry..."

I backed away and frowned my eyebrows. I didn't catch any of it. He knew that we couldn't talk right now so he continued his "plan."

"Rose! You look like Lady Liberty!" JJ yelled and I held back my laugh. 

The guard took JJ in his grip now instead of me. 

"Let go of him!" I yelled. I was now in charge. The man stopped to look at me. "You can't just boot him. I invited him here." I pointed myself. 

"Maya," I heard Ward warn me.

"I am a member of this club."

JJ pushed the guard away while I was distracting him. Everyone gasped at the sudden violence. The blonde backed away and looked around. There was so much happening. I couldn't stop the smirk on my face from growing.

"Hey, mandatory power hour at Rixon's, Kie." My boyfriend pointed at her. "Pope, you as well, all right?"

Pope followed him after pleasing his dad and Kie was still arguing with her parents. I started to walk over to JJ until someone took my arm. I turned and saw Ward. His lips were pressed and he looked weird.

"Maya, look, I know your friends are important to you," he said to me, looking at people behind me.

"They are!" I replied.

"But this is a huge night for me. I would prefer you stay here." he continued. Rose appeared behind him.

I didn't know what to say. It was my family or my friends.

Was it really a hard choice?

"Dad, I am so sorry, but I really need to go." I tried to earn my arm back. 

"Maya Cameron, get your ass back here!" 

"Sorry!" I yelled when I ran away.

It was going to be hell when I would come home.


We were all sat around a campfire in the middle or nowhere. And by that, I mean in the forest. It was dark, you could hear the birds chirping. No one was talking and it made my head go nuts. I was so glad JJ was back. The fear I'd had for him was scary. We were all so reassured to see him alive. So, I should've felt like everything was fine again, right?

Magnetic - JJ MaybankOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora