16 - Storytime

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The next morning, I woke up curled up in JJ's body. I'd really missed that feeling. The man was so much bigger than me, it was like I was hugging a bear. Yes, I was small.

Some days you just want to stay home and spend time with the people you love. It was one of those days for me, but unfortunately I couldn't.

I had to go home to get the VIP archive card, and that meant I needed to be home in thirty minutes.

JJ was still asleep, he looked so peaceful. Knowing what people were dreaming about was one thing on my wish list. I've always been fascinated by that. I didn't want to wake the blond, so I got out of bed very slowly when I smelled breakfast

I walked into the kitchen and saw John B cooking and Kiara and Pope on the couch. It smelled so good, it kind of reminded me of the mornings at my house. Maybe I could live my life here, with them

"Maya!" John B. cheered. "How do you like your eggs?" he asked, looking back and forth between me and the tiny stove. I was glad to be back and to see him smiling like this.

"Hey, um, I gotta go to my house before we go to the archives, so I'm not eating here, but since when did you guys get power?" There was no power on the south side since the storm. I'd kind of felt bad for them because I had it at home.

"We don't, it's a battery furnace." Pope butted into the conversation. "I found it in the trash and the batteries still worked!" he added.

I was glad they'd found something to cook with, I couldn't imagine what it would be like to live without electricity.

Sometimes I saw a little of Kiara in me, we were both kooks, but we didn't want to be one.

"Hey John B, you didn't tell me why you wanted to go to the archives." I mentioned.

Before John B could answer, JJ came out of his room yawning. His eyes were almost closed and his hair was tangled and a bit messy. It was kind of cute.

"Morning," Kiara greeted him.

The blonde looked at me, which brought back memories of last night in my mind

I know you think we've had sex before, but last night felt different.

We'd made love last night.

"To answer your question, Maya, we've to tell you the whole story." warned Pope.

"I'm all ears." I affirmed, not knowing it would take this long. Kiara and Pope moved closer together on the other couch, giving me and JJ some space.

We had the end of the couch to ourselves, which wasn't much, so I sat on JJ.

I tried to ignore all the good feelings that were welling up inside of me. This wasn't the right moment. I still heard JJ groan, replacing himself when I sat down.

"Okay, so after the storm we found a boat under the water." John B started, sitting on the ottoman.

"Our boat bumped into it. I did a flip and my heels touched the back of my head. That hurt like hell." JJ murmured in my ear and  wrapped his arms around my stomach. I managed to suppress my laughter as I imagined the scene.

"Let's keep out the details." John B turned to JJ. "We figured out it was a fricking Grady-White." My eyes went wide. This type of boat was expensive. Almost 25K. "I found a key to a motel in the boat, so we went in the room."

"I pleaded them not to go." Pope defended.

"I convinced him" Kiara declared.

"Stop, guys. We are doing the summary right now." JJ reminded. "I found a gun and some cash." He turned his gaze back to me. My eyes widened even more. "I'm not gonna lie, I kept it."

Magnetic - JJ MaybankOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora