11 - Dead end

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A.N. This chapter might be triggering to fragile people! TW! I can't say why but it is. Trust me.

THE STREETS WERE very crowded that day. There was a festival coming up, so maybe that was the reason. I was on my way to the library to talk to Sarah, but I wasn't sure if I'd make it out alive. I'd either be hit by a car or killed by a stranger on the street.

With every step I took, fear made its way inside my head. I didn't know who to call; my parents were planning Rose's birthday, and I didn't want to call Topper, who was probably cleaning his house.

My hands began to shake, causing me to look at them. I'd to keep walking, though, if I didn't want someone to run me over. The ink on my wrist caught my attention and reminded me that I needed to call someone right there. Charlie. Yes, that was the best option. He'd definitely come to me as soon as I would ask him. I dialed the first 5 numbers and the next one wasn't clear.

Was it a 1, or a 7?


Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

I chose the number 1 who looked more like it and pressed the green button. The phone started ringing.

"Hello?" a girl voice came to my hear. Shit, that clearly wasn't my friend.

"Um, hi. Is this Charlie's phone?" I asked, hopefully. I wouldn't survive these hell roads without a ride.

"No, it's Clara?"

I froze. First, because I didn't have a ride and second, because I was bothering a stranger. Not thinking about apologizing to the innocent girl, I hung up. I wasn't good at socializing. Not at all. The Phone app popped up to the screen, showing my one and only contact.

Mister Maybank.


I was not calling him. I would've rather die than bothering him with my problems.

He wouldn't come anyways, he doesn't care anymore. I had to find another solution.

I pressed the green circle.

The phone started ringing again. Why did my finger had gone there? I wasn't supposed to talk to him. He'd texted me earlier, and deleted it. Which showed that he didn't wanna talk to me. He just wanted to know who I was with to know if I was fine after losing them. I was.

Who the fuck is calling me? Nobody has ever called me. Woah. Maya is calling me. Why is she calling me? Did she see my text? She shouldn't have. Oh, I'm in deep shit.

I don't know if I should answer. I don't feel like talking. She's fine anyway. It's not like she's gonna die or something. She's with the kooks. The dirty kooks. I still want to know why she's willing to talk to me.

The call was declined. He closed his phone. Is it possible to say I told you so to myself? Would that be weird? JJ didn't give a shit about me. He never did, why would he have answer me? I understood. He was probably fucking another girl right now. Like John B said, I was just another one of them.

I was still in those streets, though.

The high pitched voicemail sound rang. I could still leave him a message. Maybe it would've been weird not to justify my call. He would think I'm desperate to talk to him.

Which I was not.

"Hey, JJ. Um, sorry to bother, really. But um... Yeah, so I'm downtown right now, "

I continued walking in the street, coming to a corner. Turn right. That way, I wouldn't have to cross the street. "and there's a lot of people. You must already know that this makes me anxious and I don't feel safe so-"

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