17 - Deny, deny, deny

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For the rest of the trip, we listened to John B vent about his dad and we continued saying truths about ourselves. They really knew many things about each other and I almost knew nothing.

When we arrived, we got chased by some guys who worked on the boat but we got away. We needed new clothes, so we went at Ben Silver. I let them have some time together and went to get a slushie because, why not.

"All right, Vlad, it's time to play the truth game." Sarah said as we walked in the library.

"Again?" He complained.

"Why are we here?"

I would say it took almost five minutes for Sarah to convince John B to tell her about all of this. It was long and miserable. It was the only moment of my life I would've prefered to drown in lava than to hear people talk.

"We're on a treasure hunt." John B admitted. That was the stupidest way he could have explained it. The fact that Sarah's reaction was to start laughing was understandable.

"I wouldn't have said it like that, but okay." I whispered in John B's ear.

"Oh shit, you guys are serious." Sarah realized after a couple of seconds. If this was a TV show, I would've laughed at this moment. Unfortunately, it wasn't. There I was, telling my sister I was hunting 400 million dollars.

"Look, I have a reason to believe that Denmark Tanny was the sole survivor of the Royal Merchant wreck." John B explained as Sarah stared at him with as much confusion as I had when my mom told me that Santa didn't exist. "I know this sounds crazy, okay, but I'm pretty sure he got away with 400 million in gold, which is how he would've been able to buy Tannyhill."

"So basically, we think that the location of that treasure is in those papers." I finished for him, feeling left out of the conversation.

"You said four hundred million?" Sarah asked still shocked.

Me and John B nodded in sync.

"I'll talk to the librarian..." Sarah walked away.


"I can't tell you how grateful we are to receive the Tanny materials from your father." The sweet librarian who guided us admitted to Sarah. I didn't think she knew I was Ward's daughter. I didn't mind. As much as I wanted to, I wasn't fitting in the rich family anyway.

"Of course,"

"It's right up there." The lady pointed.

"Thank you so much." John B shook the lady's hand. This was a very big moment for him.

We were now all sitting at a table with each a box containing the papers. "Here we go," My sister said.

"It says that Denmark used the money he made from Tannyhill to buy slaves and give them their freedom." I declared after a long moment of silent searching. "This is before the Civil War." I looked at them.

"That's why they hanged him." John B thought out loud. "Let me see this." He took the Bible and inspected it. After a while, his brows furrowed. "Y'all, check this out." He showed us a paper with only dates and names on it.

"These are the birthdays. Cecilia, Robert, Lewis and Abraham." She pointed.

"His three sons." I realized.

"Wait a minute," John B showed us another picture in the document.

"Is that a picture of-"

"Gold, this is how he bought the land. It's British gold." The brunette smiled.

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