8 - Losing everything

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"Maya, why is your brother here?" Kiara asked me.

I quickly turned my head over to where she was looking. Everyone did. I saw Pope and Kiara hold hands in the corner of my eyes. Rafe was walking toward us. His walk was weird; he looked dope. 

Everyone stood up, seeing how bad he looked. I knew my brother took this kind of thing, but I didn't expect him to take that much. He made me sad a little. I thought about the fact that maybe he wasn't able to stop. Maybe there was a reason for all this. I wondered why he was here because my sister was with us, and she'd brought me home. We didn't need a ride home. 

I blamed the drugs for him being at the Chateau, interrupting my happy evening. Sarah walked to him and started whispering, although we could all hear her.

Rafe, why are you here? Are you okay? You look sick.

He didn't reply. He kept looking at us, and then his gaze fell on my injured knee. His eyebrow cocked. Rafe pushed Sarah slightly as he started walking toward me. 

JJ and John B took a step in front of me. All three of them looked at each other. He was my brother. All he wanted to do was to make sure I was okay, right? I barely even recognized him.

I had four friends.

"Did they do that to you?" my older brother asked me, pointing to my knee. The two boys didn't move a muscle. 

"No, Rafe, they didn't. I fell," I reassured. "It's okay, guys. He's not gonna do anything to me. I trust him." I told the guys to back up. They did, but just a little. 

Sarah walked to us. Rafe closed his mouth with what seemed anger. I knew he had trust issues, so everyone was scared about what he could do if he didn't believe me. 

"Please, trust me. I tripped, right guys?" I looked at everyone, searching for help. Everyone nodded.

I didn't fear Rafe, but I didn't knew this one.

"Let's go, Maya. We're going home." he said. I knew he was trying to stay calm. He was trying for me.

I don't trust Rafe. I hate him, actually. Even more, now that he knows about Maya and me. He is standing very close to her. If I see him starting to lift his arm, I'll beat him. He won't hurt her... Not like he did to me. No one will ever hurt her.

"No, Rafe. You are going home. I'm safe. I like being with these people." I explained. Deep down, I was praying he wouldn't argue. I really was a damn fool.

"You are coming with me."

"No, I am not."

"Yes, you are, Maya!

His tone kept getting louder and louder.


"Do you really want this to happen?"

"I want to stay here!"

"What, so you can keep getting fucked by JJ?!"

That was it. I felt my heart drop to the floor. I heard it crash, the loudest sound ever. It startled me. This was the end, I thought. It wasn't even the fact that I was going to lose everyone that hurt me, but that my own blood was destroying my life. 

What would have happened if I hadn't come that night? 

Sarah's eyes locked on me. I didn't have the courage to look at her, or anyone else for that matter. My anger took over my whole body. I scoffed and kept my gaze fixed on his. Suddenly a tear fell; it felt like an ocean. I wouldn't have a good time with them anymore.

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