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My hand slaps down onto my side table as I reach for my pills. Theyre not there. I sigh and put my palms on my face. I hear the door open slowly, creaking and I sit up, making eye contact with Mary.

"They dont trust you with pills anymore." Mary says from the door. "That and you cant eat this morning before your treatment."

I cant eat? That sends out a few warning alarms in my brain.

"But come to a recreational activity anyway. You have about an hour."

I silently stand and follow her outside. I feel so disorientated and confused. I can barely remember what happened yesterday. We turn down one of the long halls and I hold onto part of my jumpsuit, running my fingers over the material. I pull on the loose string slightly less carefully and it starts making a hole in my jumpsuit.

Mary lets me into the room before shutting the door. There is one girl across the room, knitting something. She seems very chatty and is grinning wide at something. The room is filled with materials and needles and string. Who knew someone could be so excited about needles and string. I dont like needles, even plastic needles.

"So how was your treatment?" The girl asks.

"Uh- I havent had an-"

"I wasnt talking to you." She shouts over at me. The room is empty and I furrow my eyebrows, considering apologising.

I take a seat hesitantly in the hopes she will stop being so unpredictable. I pick up a piece of dark fabric and a pencil and decide to cut something out of it that looks pretty. I drag the pencil over the fabric in silence as the other girl talk to someone that only she can see.

It seems like forever waiting for someone to get me. I cut out a bow and fix it into my hair just in time as a doctor unlocks the door.

"Follow me please." He states, taking my arm.

I let him drag me down the hall and into the treatment room. At one point I try and walk, but he speeds up, tripping me.

He pushes me into the room and everyone is there but the doctors that held me down. I assume that means there are no shocks today. The electric machine is gone but theres is a tray of needles. I really dont like needles. Even plastic needles, but these arent plastic.

"Seven, please remove your jumpsuit." One of the doctors say.

But underneath my jumpsuit is just my vest and pants. I dont want to strip in front of them. Ive never stripped completely for anyone. I dont want to strip in front of them. Doctor Way had a calm aura about him, and even then I was wary. I dont move and the doctor steps closer. These doctors have a pressure that presses on the buttons of my jumpsuit.

"Dont make me hold you down." He warns.

My heart pumps and I decide to do what I did yesterday and lower it just to my hips. Everyone is watching me intensely and I feel scared. I tie the arms around my waist and protectively cross my arms over my chest. Ive never been so naked in front of them.


I can barely hear him over my fast breaths. My chest starts rising higher and I lose my mental clarity. Most of these doctors are so old and weird and hostile. Im so scared of them.

Suddenly one of them grabs me from behind, lifting me into the air on one swift move. My legs flail in surprise and before I know it my jumpsuit is nicely folded on the chair by the metal table. I feel so cold without it, so bare. They all look at me and I squint a bit in embarrassment. Slowly, I climb onto the table and lie down, noticing the way my hands shake as I try and lift myself onto it.

"Attach the nodes, Gerard, and Colin can administer the injections." The doctor says.

Doctor Way, who seems to have been silently standing at the back the whole time, steps forward. He presses the nodes in the same places as usual; my neck, the top of my chest and underneath my bra. But he also places one or two around my hips and one on my temple. He takes his time and for some reason that calms me. I feel like I trust him, not fully but more than the hostile others. It unnerves me that every here has almost seen my entire body.

He steps back to the machine, which is now beeping, at the back of the small crowd. Another doctor steps forward with a needle. He draws a line up my leg with his finger, counting under his breath. Suddenly he puts the needle into my leg and I hiss in surprise, my shoulders reaching my ears and my back arching a little. I hear the beeping speed as he continues to inject me a second time.

"That should do fine. She isnt that big, doesnt need three."

"Are you sure?"


A couple of the doctors write something down before leaving. Leaving three doctors waiting.

I dont know what theyre expecting to happen. The beeping slows a little and one of the doctor nods. I dont know what that means. The beeping speeds up again as I convince myself how scared I am. The beeping increasing scares me further until a doctor stands up and walks over towards me.

"You have to calm down." One of the doctors say, touching my bare shoulder.

I close my eyes out of fear and breathe slowly. The fear of the doctors versus the fear of what theyll do if I dont. The doctors arms are either side of me and the beeping slows... And slows...

I start to feel sweat bead on my forehead and my breathing becomes laboured.

"Its induced."

My eyes feel heavy and I left out a soft groan before closing them. I feel so hot and sweaty and ill.

"Take her back to her room."

The beeping comes closer, slow and constant. I feel the table shudder into movement and I breathe out an "uh".

The person wheeling me hums to themself. I feel myself dropping further and further.

I feel someones arms under my back and legs lifting me off the table onto my bed. 

Thats when Im gone.

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