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The next day we all go out into town, but, Gerard and Ray are at work, so just Mikey, Frank and myself are wondering the streets.

"This is the plaza. It has like... Loads of shops on it. We could get you a decent fitting pair of jeans or something... Maybe a job?" Frank points.

I nod and we walk into the centre. Ive never really seen so many people running around. There are children, which I havent seen in years...

"Oh and theres like fountains and stuff. Its pretty cool."

"Can we go look at the fountain?" I ask.

"Yeah, Ill get us hotdogs. Mikes go with her?"

"I wasnt planning on going anywhere else." Mikey laughs.

We walk off towards the fountains as Frank gets in line. The square seems strangely empty and Frank is served almost immediately. I just assume people are working, starting to jog towards the fountains, Mikey close behind.

"Theyre so cool." I grin, practically skipping in my step. Ive become so confident outside- yet would never plan on leaving Mikey or the guys...

"Yeah, I-"

"Seven?" A voice says from behind us.

I turn around just as Mikey does and before I can do anything Im thrown over someones shoulder. I shout out but nothing happens. I can hear Mikey protest as well and I assume he is in the same situation.

I call out to Frank but I know its too late. Frank has several hotdogs in his hands and a certain look of panic on his face.

I try kicking, but before I can get a proper aim my body hits the metal of the back of a van. I call out as I collide with the cold metal and Mikey is thrown next to me.

"Think you could escape, hm?" A voice says before the door is slammed shut.

Mikey pushes himself up on one arm and I shuffle into the corner. He seems in a panic and desperate to find an exit but Im in shock and barely move. He scrambles up the wall of the van and uses his hands to feel around.

"Theyve got us." I breathe.

Someone opens the door and climbs in the back, joining us. He moves towards me first, hand out, placing a rag towards my mouth. It smells like breathing acid so I start to struggle until I just cant anymore. In my last second, I catch Mikeys eye, but he isnt reacting in the way I would expect him to...


I wake up and the beeping is there. I sigh and try to roll over.

"Shes awake." Someone whispers obviously.

I open my eyes and try and sit up, a doctor pushes me back down.

"You were in another coma." He sighs. "You lasted a little longer than expected." He speaks so fast and I am immediately confused. Its as if he is lying but I cant tell.

"Did I ever go and see the fountains?" I ask, my voice croaky.

"You must have dreamed that. You have vivid dreams in comas. Get some rest."


"Get some rest."

They all leave out the door, writing notes and nodding and Im confused. What do they mean? It was a dream? Escaping was a dream?

My heart breaks a little at the idea. The others were so nice and I had a great time. Does that mean that everything we did was just in my fantasy?

I lie back on my bed and run my hands into my hair. I dont remember going into another coma... Is the drowning thing part of my imagination? I reach for the string on my jumpsuit but its not there. This isnt my usual jumpsuit... The door opens and someone else enters with a clipboard.

"Hello... SEVEN?" Doctor Way practically shouts at me in confusion.

"Thats me?" I reply, slightly confused.

He walks over and kneels down next to me. "This cant be right... No." He sighs, running his eyes over my expression. "Between you and me, Ill get you out again."

"What do you mean, G- doctor Way, I never left."

"What do you mean?" He echoes.

"I was just in a coma and-"

He sighs, cutting me off. "Theyre tricking you. Just run with it though, itll make you seem more innocent and-"

"Theyre lying to me?" I ask.

"Of course they are."

He starts pressing buttons on the machine. For some reason I immediately trust him and disregard the other doctors. They really did knock me out and take me back...

"Im not sure how we are gonna do it this time but its doable." He talks to himself. "Just as long as you go with it we can set you free again. Its not exactly like you ever fight back against anything. Yes... Itll be fine..."

Theres a second of silence where doctor Way realises something. His face drops.

"Does that mean Mikeys back too?" He asks.

"Ye- yeah."

He shakes his head, finishing off writing notes. "I didnt say anything and you still believe youre in a coma or whatever, okay?"


He pushes out the door and runs down the hall.

Later I am taken out of bed and to the food hall. Its emptier than usual and someone said they upped the treatment and some didnt survive, which isnt much of a comforting narrative.

Mikey enters and immediately runs over to me. Compared to the slow monotony of the place, he seems like colour in black and white. His face is contorted into dismay and he grips my arms with such tension and fear.

"Seven." He cries out as he grabs me.

"Mikey?" I reply in shock.

"I heard what the next treatment is for me." He breathes.

"What is it?"

"Theyre doing brain surgery. They put the electrodes right into my brain and-"

He gets cut off by breathing a massive breath in.

"I dont know of anyone thats come out as a proper person. Theyre all just... Zombies."

"Look, Mikey" I stutter between breaths. "We are gonna get out of here."

"Ive got a day."

"Were gonna- were gonna figure it out." I reach out towards him but never quite touch him.


"Yeah. I... Have you told doctor Way?"

Mikey cant help but smile as I use the name "doctor Way". But he still shakes his head.

"I might see him later, Ill tell him if you dont."


He slowly lets go of my arms, leaving me to wonder what treatment I might have coming up for me.

He takes a seat and I see someone walk up behind him. Its a doctor. That means-

"Seven, I hope you havent eaten?" They ask.

"Havent had a bite yet." I reply, looking up.

"Please follow me."

I touch Mikey on the shoulder as I leave as a sort of promise. What promise? Im unsure.

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