Its All A Lie

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Its an intricate building that stands on the corner of 4th street. The only reason I am particularly staring at it is that my wrist is beeping like a siren.

And that the door isnt fully closed.

Theres no hint of what the building could be, it could be anything from a church to a brothel and my mind is beeping desperately telling me this is where I need to be. I need to at least check whats inside. Maybe I can say I got lost...

I take another deep breath before placing my palm on the door and pushing.

The door creaks open into a massive hall. I close the door behind me as quietly as I can, trying to place it exactly where it was, before I start towards the stairs. My feet pad against the floor, a tapping sound reverberating around the room. Its so empty, what could it mean?

My heart is pumping crazily and almost skips a beat as a door opens up ahead. I walk towards it silently, waiting behind it as if will fully open for me. Im too scared to open it myself.

Suddenly someone steps out from behind the door and smiles, blocking the way.

"Hello miss, who are you looking for?" They say in an almost stately way.

"Is Gerard here?" I say quietly, slightly unsure how I came up with the concept. How have I pieced it together so closely...

Their eyes flare for a second before returning to a boring stare. "Im sorry?"

"I said... Have you got Gerard?"

Their expression changes again and I know they do. They going to grab me, I know how it goes down and I know 2 ways to react. The old way wont work anymore.

Before they can do anything I dive forward, grabbing around their stomach and pushing them to the floor.

"I said, have you got Gerard?" I repeat, holding down his hands with one hand and with the other slapping his face with each word. I know they do. I know it!

He doesnt reply, grimacing at me, so I start to use my fists. My bones ache but the adrenaline cuts out any feeling in my body and I am just anger.

"I know you do! Just take me to him!" I feel tears in my voice and my knees buckle so I am just sitting on top of him.

Suddenly he ruptures from under me, pushing me backwards. My legs wrapped around him pull him on top of me. I let out a shriek as he starts to fight back. I try to block what I can, but its hard to keep track of what is going on. My eyes struggle to focus and I just protect my face.

Eventually he pulls me to standing and I take my chance. With my knee I sweep up into his crotch and he lets out a yelp, falling to his knees. I must have gone almost too hard as he starts weeping on the floor.

I give him one last look before turning into the room he came from and closing the door behind me.

Something stops me in my tracks. The lapping sound. Something so calming to others is my own reoccurring nightmare... and its here.  I almost just turn around and leave.

My back slams against the door and I wipe blood from my nose. Theres a doctor across the room, clicking his knuckles. Theres the cage.

Gerards in the cage.

No. Fucking. Way.

"Seven? Seven!" Gerard slams his fist on the cage.

"Are you actually kidding me?" I breathe.

"Pull the lever." One doctor tells another.

"Gerard?" I breathe.

As they pull the lever I run straight at the water, standing at the edge. Theres no lever in the water like in my dream. The doctors must have a key.

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