Drive Through

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Once the high wears off the pain of my back returns. Mikey seems to act similar to me in some ways. We both get the flashbacks and the dreams. Mikey probably hasnt removed his top for a week, Ive just avoided mirrors. Its been easier for me as its hard to look at my back. My mind wonders a bit and I think of how Mikey is doing right now.

"Hey, Seven? Seven?" Rays voice fades into my ears.

"Huh? Sorry." I come down from the weird cloud of my thoughts.

"You just zoned out for a solid minute, I called your name several times too."

"Sorry. I didnt mean it." I shrug my shoulders.

"What were you thinking about?"

I think it through. "Really, not a lot. Mikey and I have both have reacted similarly to events and stuff..."

"For a whole minute?"

I shrug again.

Ray sighs, taking a chip from a packet and offering the rest of the pack to me, I deny politely.



"Do you have a job?"

"Yeah, but I got a break because of recent events."


"You know I have a job, we went to try out the venue altogether."

"Of course we did. My minds just a bit of a shuffle right now."

I start to trace my finger over my palm slowly. Ray flicks the channel on the TV. I spot something on my wrist, a small mark. I run my finger over it. It feels like a scar. I dont remember ever having that there...

"Uh..." I breathe. "Im going to find... Mikey?" I state, standing.

Mikey is sitting in bed, re-bandaging his bicep.


"Seven?" Mikey looks up with a smile.

It almost escapes my mind, the reason I went to talk to him.

"Are you okay?"

"Uh... yeah, give me your arm."

I grab his right arm and search the left side under his hand on his wrist. Its not easy to spot at first and I have to run my finger over the area a few times before I feel it.

"Seven are you still high?" Mikey mumbles.

"Ive got the same bump-like thing on my arm... I never had that- I doubt you did either."

He runs his finger over the area before looking up at me.

"Yeah, exactly."

Mikey shakes his head. "The drugs havent worn off, you need some sleep. Try again tomorrow. Listen to what your body wants."

He rubs my arm with his hand before I wander out into the hall again.

Franks out... Gerards out... Ray... I could try Ray.

He wont believe me.

I dont even know what it means myself...

I wonder into my room and climb into bed. Maybe I can sleep and wake up with some thoughts that arent paranoid or shuffled.


I feel a hand run through my hair and know its Gerard. I let out a small moan to let him know Im awake.

"Youre awake?" He catches on.

"Mhm." I mumble opening my eyes in his direction.

He sits down on the edge of my bed. "I got another job."

I smile at him. "Really?"

"I think so. Theyre telling me tomorrow." He breathes a sigh in preparation for something. "Ray and Mikey said you were acting weird."

I hand him my wrist and he just looks at me. "Mikey and I have scars. Identical scars."

"Coincidence." He sighs. "Its all coincidence. Its over now, you can chill."

"I cant chill... Its still all so real."

He pauses, shuffling for something. "Lets go out this evening, maybe we can do something nice."

I consider for a moment. "Ill get changed."

"Cool... holler at me, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah." I nod, pushing myself up.

He waves before closing the door behind him.

I ruffle my hand through my hair before checking through my clothing. Its weird getting to choose my clothes and its weird being able to go out.

I pull out the black dress and slip it on, securing my hair in a bun. It doesnt look too casual as the dress is shorter than what Im normally  comfortable with and is tighter too.

I put on some lipstick, which I have never consciously done before, and wander out into the living room.

Mikey catches my arm as I slide towards the kitchen.

"Going out?" He smirks. "My brother right? Saw it coming. Gerard you old bugger, youre missing the view!" He yells after Gerard. "Well, youre more than a view."

I blush at him and chuckle. "Mikey!" I say pointedly under my breath.

"Youre welcome." He replies obviously in a loud whisper.

Gerard comes out and a smile lights up his face. He wonders over and I cant help but feel weird as he looks at me.

"This isnt a date, is it?" I ask nervously.

"Just an excuse to go out dressed kinda fancy." He grins back.

I sigh in relief. "Where we going?"

"Just get in the car, Ill explain on the way."

We say goodbye to everyone and wander outside. Gerard takes the drivers seat and I sit shotgun.

"Okay... I havent thought much about it considering we decided around half an hour ago to go out. Though I know a place we can pick up food and go to eat outside somewhere."

"Sounds sweet." I nod. Theres a short pause. "You know... Ive always wanted to know how things ran before I was here..."

"I can tell you..." He smiles over at me. "Right before we met you Mikey had a breakdown... You can ask him why when youve both recovered from this trauma. Everything was pretty normal. I worked at the book shop down the road and Mikey worked with Ray. Its good that we got compensation from the whole extravaganza because otherwise we would need two jobs. I have a job down at a coffee place right now but in reality Ive always loved art."

"Really? Like what kind of art?"

"All arts really, I like painting and drawing dearly. I find it the coolest how you can create things."

Gerard leans out the window as we pull in at a drive-through and then back in as we drive further down. They taught me about drive-throughs recently and it blew my mind!

"I ordered us burgers if thats okay with you?" I nod. "Anyway, I also like to pretend Im Iggy Pop sometimes."

I laugh at the remark. "Really?"

"Im surprised you know who he is!"

"Youve talked about him before!"

"True! I underestimated you."

He leans out the window again, collects the food and hands the money over.

"I like to pretend I can sing and dance around a lot."

"I can tell!"

"You can tell?"

"Youre that kind of person who dances around using a hairbrush as a microphone." I laugh.

He rolls his eyes with a chuckle.

Eventually we pull in at the bottom of a slope. I open the door before Gerard can open it for me and step out of the car.

"So, uh, lets take the food up, its a nice view at the top."


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