The Great Escape

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That night they attach me to some wires and a drip as if Im just strapped down. Its meant to be like the insulin stuff. I didnt really listen. But I never listen. It was all so confusing, but all I cared about was that I could keep my jumpsuit on for once.

It takes a lot of effort to stay awake and I drop off for minutes at a time before shocking myself awake. I drop to sleep and wake up again and again, for what seems like forever.

I look at my clock, its midnight. My eyes droop further and further and I think about removing the needles.

With all my strength I manage to pull out one in my arm and it starts dripping on the floor. That makes it easier to stay awake. Its still a fight. I keep the other one in in case they come to check on me.

My head droops onto my chest and my eyes close for a moment.

When I open my eyes again someone is looking at me, quite close, from above my bed. I scream in fear and they plug their hand over my mouth.

"Im Ray, Gerards friend and Im gonna get you out of here. Youre Seven right? I probably should have asked that first..."

I nod slowly. My eyes droop again and I rip out the other needle in my arm before dropping off for a moment again. He has bright eyes and an easy smile, making me trust him almost immediately. He acts in such a kind, yet hasty way that I just watch him, unable to do much more out of fatigue. He detangles me from all the wires and I watch as he lifts my arm up and then drops it again.

"Great. Youre all drugged up." Ray sighs sympathetically. "Okay, can you stand up?"

I push myself off the edge of my bed and my eyes droop, letting me drop onto my hands and knees on the floor. My arms shake with strain and I let them lower me onto the linoleum.

"Great... Again..." He sighs. "Okay Im sorry but youre gonna have to excuse me... I know Gerard said something about you disliking being touched but..."

He scoops me up in his arms, but Im too drugged up to care. Normally a strangers touch sends me reeling but instead I just grasp onto his shirt with a sigh. My head drops and I fight to bring it up again.

"This is easier than I originally considered..."

He starts running down the hall and I drop in and out of consciousness. I let out a small yawn and lean onto Rays chest.

He turns a corner.

"You got her?"

"Yeah, all drugged up."

Someone touches my forehead and I smile a little. A warmth spreads through my body from their touch.

"You got Mikey?"

"Im here."

"Nice one, lets go."

I hear all the running feet and I drop to sleep again.

My head bounces up and Im lying down somewhere. I try and roll over but several hands hold me in place. I drop out again.

I open my eyes and look up with all the effort I have. Someone I dont know is holding me and is paying a lot of attention in running somewhere. They stop on a corner and look down at me with a smirk. Their smirk is playful and their face is rounded and soft.

"Youre awake again." They laugh, their dark hair falls onto my face as they lean down to look at me.

My eyes drop again and I fall asleep.

The next place I wake up is with doctor Way. He puts me down on a bed, pulling the covers over me. I look over at him and he smiles softly. His lips that hide half a secret and his eyes that search me unsuccessfully. I make a "Mm" sound in approval at him.

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