Court Case

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In the morning I am woken by Mikey and a pile of clothes. He opens the curtains and light floods in. I roll over so I am face down on my bed and let out a groan.

"So." Mikey states. "Gerard knew your clothing size for some reason and so we got Jamia and Rays girlfriend, Christa to get you some clothes." Mikey stands.

"He knew my bra size?" I ask.

"He has a talent." Mikey rolls his eyes a little.

"Thanks Mikey. Tell them thank you."

He leaves and I sort out the clothes. I end up putting on a high wasted pair of shorts and a tight striped leotard. I match it off with some pumps. It all fits so well, which is creepy at best.

I step outside and carefully navigate my way to the main room. I open the door and all the faces turn to me. Everyone as usual is there, plus Jamia and, I assume, Christa.

Christa seems to be the personification of the word 'radiance', which makes her perfect for Ray.

"Wow! It fits well! You look too cute." Jamia stands up and steps over to me.

She dusts me down quickly and grins at me before putting her hand on my arm and leading me towards the others. She has a sort of excitement and youth to her which I envy. She seems so free, full of anxious energy... I feel like somethings not quite right.

"Wow, we really got this right, Christa."

She keeps looking me up and down before placing her hands on my hips and putting at the material a little. I dont know what she is doing but she seems besotted with me.

"Wow, Seven you really look different in normal clothing." Mikey says, grinning.

"Normal clothing?" Jamia turns around, confused.

"We rescued her from an asylum." Frank tells her casually.

She turns around to look at me. She puts a hand to my face in sympathy and I feel so weird about her touching me.

She lifts my chin to look at her and places her other hand on my bicep. My skin tingles and I want to recoil.

"Honey!" She sighs.

"It was doing more good than bad." Frank says.


I look over at Frank to silence him. "Shes fine now though."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

I look over at Gerard for help. "We need to get to the court case. Maybe another day when everything isnt as tiring."

"Yeah." I add with a nod.

She gives me a comforting look before walking over to Frank.

"Whens the court case?" I ask.

"An hour. We need to travel there though. Who is coming with?"

"I have to, as a witness." Mikey says. "The others dont need to come. Have a nice day off guys. This must be stressful enough..."

Gerard, Mikey and myself get into a car outside. Mikey decides to drive, sitting in the front seat. Gerard and I sit in the back. The ride is quiet and I fiddle with my fingers. This is serious business apparently and could determine the state of the rest of my life. Maybe theyre just trying to freak me out.

Gerard puts his arm around me, sitting in the seat next to me, in an attempt to calm my nerves. I lean onto him, suddenly feeling slightly better. I look up at his face and he smiles at me.

Mikey puts on some music in the car and as soon as Gerard recognise it, his eyes light up. I cant help but think thats incredibly cute.

Mikey starts humming along nervously.

"Theres nothing to be nervous about, Mikes." Gerard says.

As he speaks I can feel his body vibrate. Mikey shrugs.

We continue to drive in silence and I close my eyes, leaning onto him.

I think back to the first time we met and the intensity of him placing the first nodes on me. The way our every meeting was like an intense explosion waiting to happen. I really like him. I cant deny it. I run over my time in the hospital in my head until it leads out of my control. The worse parts fade into focus and my memories spin out of control. He lead me to the water. He watched me drown. Deadly...

I open my eyes and sit up properly, gasping a breath to drown the idea of water in my lungs. Mikey slows the car down.

"Sorry, sorry, no, Im fine." I assure myself and the others.

"I was stopping anyway. We just arrived."

I climb out the car and stand behind Gerard. The courtroom is in a large building that is so, so foreign...

"Are we ready?" Mikey asks, partially at himself.

We all take that as a cue and wander into the building.

The whole trial is so confusing. They talk a lot to the doctor who ran the hospital and then invited two people to speak about their experiences. They were asked so many questions. After them I am invited up. I wave goodbye to the guys and walk up and sit down in the seat. I can see the full jury from here and the seats where Mikey and Gerard are too.

They ask me to repeat something about the truth and I do.

"Okay now, miss... Seven is it? An interesting name." The judge asks.

"Im known as Seven yes, that was my name in the hospital."

"What is your original birth certificate name?"

"Im not sure." I look down at my legs.

"Is this the truth?"

I nod slowly, unable to look up out of embarrassment. The room rumbles at my every word. It feels like an earthquake and I can feel my hands shake. How is this so scary, Im meant to feel safe...

"How long had you been in the asylum for?"

"I worked out recently it must have been near to 3 years. Around. I was their 7th patient apparently."

"You dont know?"

"I didnt have a way to tell the date or anything. I just went with what they told me to do."

Theres a mumbling and Im confused by why everyone seems so surprised.

The judge thinks for a moment.

"What did they say your disorder was for entering and do you remember your entrance?"

I think, hard. "No... It- I just remember running away at night and then the white room."

"This seems very suspicious." The judge thinks. "What treatments did they give you for it?"

"Recently there was electrotherapy when electric pulses made me have a seizure. Another treatment was giving me doses of insulin to put me into a coma. Uh... The worst was putting me in a box and slowly drowning and then resuscitating me. I have night terrors and anxiety attacks now due to that."

The sounds coming from the jury scares me. "So more harm than good?"

"I think."

"Were you kept under a strict regime?"

"We werent allowed outside and had to be escorted everywhere by doctors. When I wouldnt strip they forcefully do it. I dont want to go back, I dont want to talk about it..." I dont want to look up.

There were more questions and then Mikey goes up to speak. He puts a hand on my back on the way down the stairs past me.

The sounds from the jury are distressing. I look around at them in fear and slowly they stop. "Dont worry, that asylum is closed now, its over."

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