A Well Needed Meal

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I breathe, leaning back, and exhale, rocking forward. I cant sleep. I havent slept. Two days... Well... Two treatments. Ive lost track of time, even to the closest hour I have no idea.

My hands shake in front of me and I try and slow them down with the power of my mind. I cant slow them down.

I wonder how Mikey is doing. I need to see him. I need to see someone. He might be in worse shape than I am, honestly. Im almost... Used to this. I shake my head, inhaling and exhaling and rocking again.

"Seven you look... Tired! We should wake you up a bit... Come on, lets go." Franco stands at the door and I carefully stand.

"If theres water involved..." I dont finish my sentence, just laughing.

"Not today, no. Dont worry, most people enjoy this treatment."

Who would ever like this? I nod, trying to keep up with him.

He loosens his grip on my arm as we enter a room.

Its a padded room.

I hate these.

"Here, take one or two of these!" Franco presses two pills to my lips, forcing them into my mouth until I swallow and then locks the door behind him.

Maybe theyre sleeping pills.

It takes a while before I realise that these arent sleeping pills. Colours start to cloud my vision and I try and blink them away. Then the images begin. The dog... But its changing colour and is twisting in on itself.

I feel ill and my body starts heating up. This is terrifying, I want out of this.

The room starts spinning and I try and stand, clinging onto the padded wall. My chest tightens and I start trying to make it to the door to ask for help.

I cant hold on tight enough as the room rotates and Im thrown off onto the floor.

The floor feels like water and I realise they tricked me. They made me take a pill so that they can drown me! I push myself up on my hands looking for them so I can fight them.

Theyre nowhere and the colour has taken over. Dark blues and blacks. I feel the cage under my feet again.

"Stop it! This is not fair! Ill fight you! I will!" I start yelling out, backing up and hitting the back of the cage.

Someone taps my back and I turn around, its Gerard.

"Thank god youre here. Take me away, please. Please!"

I try and grab him in a hug but he disappears into thin air.

Then the water starts to trickle in.

"Stop! Stop! Please! No!" My head spins and I trip onto the side of the cage, dropping into the water.

I scream as much as I can as I sink through the water... Im going to drown... Wheres the bottom of the cage?


"Enjoy that?" Doctor Franco says the next day. "Had a good trip?"

I dont reply, watching my hands shake in front of me. He writes something down on a clip board. Someone next to him nods.

"I think we are cracking her." He mumbles to the man next to him, who just nods and writes something down.

I run my face through my hands. Suddenly two freezing fingers touch my neck and I flinch.

"Stay still, will you?"

He presses down for a few seconds before counting and muttering under his breath. His hands are gone again.

"Ill take you to eat. How long has it been?" He asks.

I shrug. Ive eaten once or twice whilst I have been here. Im hungry.

He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and I let him, going limp. He trots through the halls before throwing me into the old lunch hall and locking the door behind him. I look up for some sort of food and see someone across the room, stuffing some bread into his mouth.

I stumble over as fast as I can before they finish it all and grab some bread and chew on it. I look up at the other person. Its Mikey.

"Mikey?" I say, barely above a whisper.

"Oh shit, Seven?" He whispers loudly.

I nod my head, walking around the table and grabbing him in a hug.

"Seven I missed you. I missed everyone."

Just putting my head in his chest and listening to his heartbeat makes me feel better.

I pull out the hug and look at his face. He has a cut down the side of his face and a black eye.

"What happened?" I say, carefully touching the cut.

He flinches a little when I touch it. "They said it was revenge on my brother tricking them. You should see the rest of my body." He laughs weakly and my heart aches.

"Mikey..." I sigh at him, lifting his chin to see the blood on his neck.

"What have they done to you? You have darker circles than Ive ever seen..." He changes the subject.

I take a piece of bread and bite off from it. "Havent slept in days, Ive just been shaking." I lift up my hand and it spasms right in front of our eyes. "Theyre messing with my head trying to crack me or something."

"You listened." He chuckles.

"Your cheeks are hollowed out, Mikey." I change the subject back to him.

"Im hungry." He shrugs, taking a bite of bread.

I turn back to the table, letting myself collapse on the bench. I take some more food and eat it as fast as I can before doctor Franco come back.

"Theyll be here soon." Mikey says decisively. "They just... Dont know where to look."

I nod hopefully, resting my head on the table. I close my eyes but the images come back so inhale deeply and sit up again. "You ever seen a dead dog?" I ask.

"I once had a dog, they had to put it down? Why are you asking?"

"This week all Ive seen are dead and dying dogs. Hundreds of them, Mikey, hundreds. All the time." He doesnt get it, they are real.

He sighs defeat. "Just remember its not real... Theyre trying to mess you up, Seven, theyre trying to fuck you up." He hasnt seen what Ive seen.

The door unlocks and I put one last piece of bread in my mouth before doctor Franco throws me over his shoulder.

Mikey keeps eye contact until the door is closed behind me, slowly waving.

The others better hurry up.

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