Seth and Saff

306 19 7

There are lots of scared and loud voices as I open my eyes. I try and sit up but a pair of hands stop me.

"What the hell was that?"

"Why did that happen?"

"I dont know anything!"

"I did nothing!"

I wash my hands over my face before clutching onto my ribs. They feel like theyre working again. There is the sound of feet mounting the stage.

"Seven are you okay?" Thats Gerard, I recognise his voice.

I nod.

"Guys shut up."

The guys shut up. I try and sit up and someone helps me. Theyre all looming over me uncomfortably.

"Maybe my legs just gave way or something and I knocked myself out." I breathe. "That was quite scary."

"Have you eaten today?" Mikey asks.

I nod.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Not really, but the same as usual."

"I cant think what it is..."

I put my face in my hands for a moment. It was just hard breathing and a fuzzy brain and...

"Guys, Im fine." I sigh.

I slowly start to try and stand up with the support of Gerard. They wont stop talking about it. It was just a one off thing. Im fine.

"Look, if there was something wrong with me Id know, okay!"

"Ill piggy back you to the car, though." Gerard tries to be straight faced but ends up laughing.

He turns around and I jump on his back. My hands clench around his shoulders and he grips my legs. He immediately runs and jumps off the stage. I scream as we drop to the ground and he laughs, continuing to run to the door.

"Gees Gerard, dont kill her!" Mikey shouts after us.

Gerard turns around and sticks his tongue out at Mikey before turning back around and running us out the door. We run out onto the road and Gerard just keeps running.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Look! Its the sea!" He practically sings. "You need to see the sea!"

I laugh at his enthusiasm and he starts running towards the beach until someone steps in front of us, making Gerard stop. I can feel his grip tighten on my legs.

"Um, Im sorry..." The guy says.

"Its okay, can we help you?" Gerard says.

"You look just like... Saffie is that you?" The guy says.

He has soft eyes and light brown hair and there are tears welling up in his eyes. Gerard drops me off his back and helps me stand next to him. I feel like Gerard knows whats going on as he checks his watch and sighs.

"Saf?" He puts a hand to my face and I flinch back. I dont recognise this person in the slightest.

"My name isnt Saffie." I state slowly.

"I thought Id never see you again." He brushes over my cheek and I lean slightly closer to Gerard.

"Who do you think she is to you?" Gerard asks suddenly.

"My sister. Im sure of it. When you disappeared, Saf, I had no one left. Parents split up and left and I swore to stay and find you again. I havent talked to them since... Youre a lot more beautiful, now youre older." He laughs. Gerard squeezes my side.

"Im sorry." I state, feeling a bit worked up. "They knocked my brain about a bit and... I dont really remember you."

Tears start falling down his face and I feel endlessly guilty. My breaths stutter and I have to remind myself how to breathe.

"Hey, guys whats going on?" Mikey jogs over and stops when he sees the scene.

I turn to look at Mikey and he catches on. He also checks his watch before nodding at Gerard but Im just disorientated.

"Ill, um, see you guys later?" He nods to me and leaves.

"You know..." I say. "Just because I dont remember you, doesnt mean you cant tell me about how I was."


Its quiet for a while. Gerard sips from a mug and my supposed brother just stares at me. I try and decide- do we have the same nose? Or is it the mouth? Our hair is the same colour... Theres something about him.

"I never thought Id see the day." He sighs.

I try and smile at him but Im busy checking out his features.

"Do you remember mum and dad?"

I shake my head slowly.



He nods. "Who are you staying with?"

"Gerard." I nod in his direction. "His brother too. Some friends as well." I add.

"And you enjoy their presence?"

"They keep me alive." I nod.

"I see, what about the asylum? Tell me about the asylum?"

It takes me a while to explain everything. I find it hard to explain. Why does everyone keep asking me to relive the torture? Its hard to move on like this... I dont leave anything out in the hopes it will be the last time I have to talk about it. Gerard slowly makes circles on my back as I talk, making me feel less like a mess.

"Oh my god." My brother says through a cupped hand on his mouth.

"I never got your name, sorry..." I sigh.

"How could they have done that to a human being, let alone you..." He puts his head in his hands.

"Whats your name?" I ask again.

He looks up at me in silence for a moment before mumbling "Uh S- Seth".

"Seth and Saff!" I say, trying to change the subject so I dont have to think of it anymore.

"Yeah, thats what they used to say... Youre so innocent to the situation... If I could get revenge I would-"

"Hey. Seth. You seem to have the same irrational random frustration spurts as your sister here. Could we all calm down? Maybe we should give you some time to think about it."

"Yeah, okay." He sighs, sitting more slack.

Gerard stands and I join him. "Stay safe." I sigh.

He replies with a breathy laugh.


"That was fine." I stalk towards the house, closely followed by Gerard who seems to be having an issue keeping up with me.

"Youre gonna have to tell that story many more times in your life, you know that." He sighs.

"I know. Although, that was just completely not what I need right now. I still struggle to remember Franks favourite food, let alone a whole new person and their quirks and..." I huff.

I ring the doorbell and take a breath.

"I just need a good scream into a pillow, its not your fault." I tell him softly, turning around.

"Ill tell the guys, you go release some... Frustration."

"I bet he will help you release some different frustration tonight." Frank winks at the door.

Im not sure what he meant but Gerard rolls his eyes before pushing Frank lightly inside.

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