A Tough Fight

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"Fight me." Mikey says.

I just stare.

"You can start. Ill just block you."

I look down and think. If I get his hands out of use... Then again he probably knows what Im thinking. I dont know what anyone has the power to do. They probably know everything about me.

My arm whips up and grabs his wrist, twisting it. He pulls weirdly, throwing me over his shoulder onto the mat. He stands over me.

"Try again."

With that my leg flies up into his crotch and I use his arm to pull him to the floor, standing above him. He yells in pain on the floor, hands on his crotch, but he still manages to pull my legs from under me as Im standing.

I growl between my teeth and twist his leg so he is face down on the floor. I climb on top of him and pull his arm to his back.

Now I need my foot on his back.

I start to stand and he takes that chance to jump to standing in front of me.

"You could have knocked me out and won but you gave it away. You simply gave it to me to win."

I use the side of my arm to block a punch he throws before throwing and elbow at him. He blocks.

"Come. On." He sighs, blocking me almost casually.

My growling gets louder as I throw hands, feet and knees at him. He catches every throw without fail. Why do I hate him so much? Why am I being so violent to someone that held me when I cried... It was all fake. It was all so fake. The growl rises in my throat again and my breaths become rampant. I throw a punch and he grabs it, throwing it to my side.

I hear the door open behind me and hesitate for a moment. Mikey takes the opportunity to grab my arm and twist it behind my back, turning me to see Tyler and his slouch at the door. Keeping eye contact with Tyler I yank on Mikeys arm, pulling him over my shoulder and onto the mat.

"Lets call it a day." I growl, releasing his hand and starting to walk away.

"Not so fast." Mikey laughs.

He grabs my wrist and twists until I scream. I can hear it clicking and slowly a heat rises from my wrist up my arm.  Only when I drop to my knees does he stop.

"What the fuck Mikey?" I yell. "Was that even worth it?"

"I dont like to lose." He smirks, leaning back on his elbow. "Now, its Tylers go."

I kick him before making my way to the door, Tyler touching my arm at half way.

At the door I turn around to see Tyler fighting, red-faced and sweating. He seems to be on a similar level to me, but more of a full-on approach. I cant watch for too long as someone places their hand on my shoulder.

"Seven?" Gerard.

I brush my hands on my jumpsuit and turn to face him.

"Please follow me."

I walk silently next to him. I have never walked so quietly next to him in all the time Ive known him.

"We just need to measure some things and make sure youre still healthy."

"Mentally healthy?"


We stop talking and continue walking in silence.

"Why do you want me?" I ask after a while. "Where is this leading to?"

"Im- uh- Im not going to tell you that..." He falters.

I sigh as we turn into the room.

"Whilst I set up prepare for me to put the node on."

This time I straight up remove my top down to my hips. Im going to test him.

Gerard reverses out a cupboard with a machine I know well and slowly turns around, catching a glimpse of me sitting and waiting for him, topless.

My bra is a dirty white colour but I dont think he cares. I slowly cross my arms across my stomach and raise my eyebrow. I can see his breath falter and his entire mouth opens for a breath. Its like this was the secret he kept.

"Hey, Doctor Way, stop staring." I tell him, leaning forward.

He launches off towards me and brings the machine over, before starting to attach nodes.

He presses one on my back hesitantly. He will be able to see the lashes, I assume. He places another lower down. I curve my back, exposing the sharp lines of the lashes.

"Youve managed to get skinnier." He mumbles.

"Thank Mikey for that."

"I can see muscle too..."

"Again, Mikey."

"And the lashes-"

"Doctor Way..." My voice raises. "Is that appropriate?"

He places another node down before walking to my front. I can see him swallow, hard.

He takes grip of my shoulder and leans forward, pressing two onto my stomach. He moves up to my bra line, the tension in his body insanely large. He pushes my bra a little and places a node down. I dont react.

His touch still does the same things to me, even though everything is different. Damn, Im meant to be affecting him, not the other way around.

I automatically tilt my head so he can see my neck. I do it slowly, in an almost teasing way. He holds one side and presses a node on. I can feel his breath on my neck, it sweeps over me and makes my knees weak. Thankfully Im sitting down. I swallow and he moves back, almost like a flinch.

I sniff and clasp my hands together in my lap.

"Uh-" Gerard breathes. "So stay calm."

I look down at my lap and we sit in silence.

"How has your stay here been?"

I nod. "Just brilliant." I laugh sourly. "Have you thought about the proposition."

He shakes his head, looking at something on the wall.

Im sure he has. He hasnt changed as much as the others. He is bad at hiding feelings. Maybe I know him too well.

After that he stays silent, rubbing his hands together in an almost anxious way. He seems like he is debating something in his mind. I raise an eyebrow at him and he looks away.

Eventually he removes the nodes, he seems weird touching me and I dont move towards his hand as it comes towards me.

We walk back in silence.

"Sleep well Seven..." Gerard opens the door to my room for me.

"Doctor Way." I nod in return.

Then he is gone and the door shrinks into the wall, undetectable.

I spend the next while punching the bag. I miss how things were. I dont miss the asylum. I do miss in-between days on the grass with my fake friends. I miss old secrets.

I punch and kick until my arms burn and my hands bleed. I feel like Im not who I was. Im not Seven who was clueless about torture and open for anyone. Im Seven being built to be hard as nails and have no trust and tries to escape and fight alone.

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