Bad luck

208 16 7

"What?" I ask nervously.

Im scared to turn around to look at him. I swing my feet and consider the options.

- He has seen the scars.

- He is ridiculously late to work and just realised.

- Someone texted him and his girlfriends giving birth, or something like that.

At least for option C he would already be at hospital...

"The scars on your back..." Option A, bingo.

The doctor starts to apply cream and one of my heels drop to the floor with a clacking sound. "I had an incident a few years ago, nothing to worry about-"

"Theres only one person I know with scars like that, or... Knew..."

This gets me worried. The doctor steps out of the room to get my prescription.

"Who hates hospitals and now lives in New Jersey but has a sweeter accent."

Oh no. Oh no.

"Youve got a scar on your right hip from where you accidentally stabbed yourself five years ago, dont you?"

Well, he isnt wrong. But only one person knows that. My heart drops in realisation.

"Doctor Way?" I laugh, turning around.

"Oh my god." He breathes, standing up. "Oh my god."

Gerard replaces the doctors position, standing beside me in shock. He takes my chin in his hand and looks at my face. Tears form in my eyes and I try to blink them away just so I can see him.

"I knew that I knew your face. I didnt want to say just in case it wasnt you and..."

There are tears in my eyes and tears on my cheeks. He came back. Hes here in front of me...

The door bursts open and Tylers breathing heavily, hands on his knees. "Oh my god." He breathes. "You better be dying- oh my god? Gerard?"



"Oh my god." I breathe.

Tyler and Gerard hug for a moment and I kick off my other stiletto. It hasnt sunk in. Gerard, of course. Im sure I recognised the ragged hair and rough but careful hands.

I grab Gerard in a hug as soon as he turns around. He smells the same. I still wear his tshirt to bed, even though theres now a hole in it and it smells nothing like him anymore. He grabs me so tight and quite honestly I dont want to let go.

"Its five years today." I cry into his shoulder.

Gerard is squeezing the life out of me. He lifts me up off my feet and we spin in circles.

"Have you been back yet?" I lean my head into his neck and it feels so good. "To the Asylum?"

"No. We should go back to see what happened to the place." Gerard says enthusiastically into my shoulder.

"I dont know..." I pull out the hug and feel a bit emptier. What if this is a trick... It could be the start of everything over again...

Both of them voted to go and I was just in the car with them, nervous to see what happened to the place. An hour later we have a cake and pick at it as we drive down to the asylum.

"So youre a comic book artist now?" I ask. "Shocking!"

"Says the model." He laughs. "What do you even model?"

"Lingerie. They saw I was skinny and malnourished and thought I was trying to get a modelling career."


"I mean, it worked, right?"

"No I mean, lingerie?" He breathes out. "I barely thought you two would make a living, let alone a good one. I cant believe I never saw you on the billboards or on TV..."

"Tyler earns a decent amount out of his poetry too so we really made it for ourselves."

"Meanwhile I always had comics to fall back on. I was here for a business trip but I might just stay."

"What about Mikey? Frank, Ray?" A feeling of tension is suspended in the air.

"Yeah... What about them."

Theres a silence.

"I havent seen any of them for about five years now. Who knows what became of them."

"But Mikey is your brother."

"Was. I dont really want to talk about it."

"Thats good because we are here at our first stop." Tyler says, almost too happy for the situation.

We jump out the car and walk up to the massive metal gates. The asylum always stood like a castle, perched on top of a hill and surrounded by a forest. If I didnt hate it Id say it was quite beautiful.

We push the gates open. Theres a layer of rust over the lock confirming that the asylum is closed for good. Thats comforting to think.

"Its so... Dead." Tyler sighs.

It truly is dead. Its so empty and abandoned. It looks like someone has ransacked the place, but no more than a couple of people and some of it seems untouched.
We enter the halls and I look through each room. Then I stop.

Room 7 for Seven.

"Im going to find my room for a while... Alone." Tyler says.

We wave goodbye and I open the door to my old room.

Its exactly the same. Theres my bed and the heart machine... Theres dust sprinkled on top of everything and cobwebs...

"And we are back." I laugh. "Lets pick up from where we left off, yeah?"

Gerard gives me a look and walks around to the window. He punches straight through it. "Always wanted to do that. It was so constricted in here."

He turns to look at me and with my hand I sweep everything off one of the shelves. I smirk at him and put my hands on my hips. A smile spreads on his face, hes just how I remember him.

"You know what else Ive missed?" He smirks back.

That smirk always sent my body screaming. He walks over, takes my face in his hands and raises and eyebrow. I bite my lip and he leans in.

The kiss is slightly more violent than usual. Its desperate and wanting and passionate. We both needed it. From the moment I recognised him I needed it. And doesnt it feel so good.

I push him away from me and he staggers back a few steps. I keep eye contact as I sweep over the next two shelves and he almost looks surprised. They smash on the ground, glass spreading all over the floor. Before the glass settles he makes his way back over to me.

He pushes me up against the wall and wraps his hands in mine, pressing them against the paint either side of my head. He pushes up against me for a few moments, biting my lip, before stepping back and pushing the lamp off my side table and throwing the bottle of pills at the wall. The bottle shatters and a little rainbow spreads onto the floor.

He kisses across my jaw and on my neck and my hands travel across his back slowly. I moan, a lot louder than intended and he laughs. My knees feel weak so I decide to act upon it.

I push him off me and pick up the pulse machine, throwing it to the floor and kicking it across the room. My shoe flies across with it, hitting the wall with a click.

I jump and straddle Gerard with my remaining shoe dangling off my foot and he leans us against the wall. As we kiss I can feel him grab at my ass and I smile into the kiss. I lean, my body on his, and kiss his jawline. His breath in my ear quickens in anticipation and I adjust myself on him.

He walks with me on him, his lips still on mine and we messily slide along the wall. I moan on his lips and we slide into a mirror, possibly on purpose... The mirror drops and shatters all over Gerards boots.

"Thats bad luck." I moan on his lips.

Asylum (Mcr Fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz