Tea And "Pride And Prejudice"

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After screaming into my pillow for a while and contemplating what I had accidentally left behind due to the asylum, I end up lying face down in the pillow letting out long and weirdly painful groans.

I missed out on a normal life to live with four men in a small flat. Not to mention Im probably mentally unstable at times.

Well, a mental illness cant just go away for a day so I assume at all times.

I scream into the pillow again before climbing under the covers and pulling it over my head, leaving me in the warm dark.

The thoughts of the dark and the water comes back and my body starts to shake. I knock my head onto the bed until it goes away.

I roll the cover around me until Its folded me into a ball that I cant seem to undo.

You know whats really disappointing, the look on my so called brothers face when I told him straight up that I didnt recognise him.

But I didnt and I dont lie so...

I can hear the door open and someone walk over. My whole body is piled on my face and the blanket has completely engulfed me, so I probably look quite funny.

"Seven?" Its Gerard. His tone of voice sends a wave of feeling through my body.

"Mhm?" I mumble through the covers.

"Are you okay?"


"Please come out?"

"Uh uh."

My voice is so muffled I barely know if Gerard can hear me.

"Hu uh hu hu."

"Let me help you..." He laughs.

He pulls at the blanket until I am unrolled in front of him, sprawled out on my back. Gerards hair almost tickles my face and I cant help but laugh at his face of confusion. "I got a little tied up..." I laugh at him.

"I can see... Now," He puts his hands either side of my head. "shall we go back to the others? They ordered pizza?"

My face changes from one focussing on the strands of hair around Gerards face to one of pure excitement.

He grabs my hands and pulls me to standing. "Lets go!"

He drags me through to the living room where Mikey is trying to protect the pizza boxes from a hungry pack of Frank and Ray. Mikey lets out a yelp as they run at him and he runs behind Gerard and in front of me. I grab him around the waist and he yelps, tensing up, before calming down.

"Theyre monsters." Mikey laughs. "They would not wait!"

I take a slice and join them eating. Theres a silence for a while, filled by Frank humming a little, before I start speaking.

"So..." I ask. "My brother or... Nah?"

They all look up over their pizzas.

"I dont see why not?" Gerard says. "He seemed pretty chuffed to see you."

"Who else would know and do that otherwise?" Mikey says, leaning back in the armchair.

"I know... Im just a bit confused." I sigh.


The next day I go to the hospital with Mikey to have my check up. He puts his arm around me protectively as we walk inside. Im not really good with hospitals, ironically.

I jump as a trolly turns a corner and have to convince myself to stop being so wimpy.

The doctor applies the nodes and presses some buttons.

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