Whips And Ropes

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"You havent slept in days. Its starting to throw off the results." Doctor Fargo tells me. "We are going to let you sleep all of today..." It sounds too good to be true.

He tells me to get back into bed and I feel weird with him watching me curl up in bed.

Someone enters the room and they apply the nodes that Im now very familiar with. They do it with nowhere near the grace that Gerard did. Then something stings. They put something in the top of my hand, and then something on the other. Needles... Attached to drips.

"Ill return in a few days." Doctor Fargo doesnt seem to know what he is doing.

My eyes starts to feel heavy and I yawn.

"Just get some sleep and Ill turn up... at some point." He shrugs.

I cant help but close my eyes. Its like the insulin injections again.


I wake up feeling disorientated. Mikeys shaking my shoulders. His face is plastered with fear.

"Doctor Fargos dead!" He yells at me. "Oh, and we have a few seconds until the alarm is set off, lets run."

I take the needles out my arm, careful not to harm myself.

"Seven hurry!"

I roll out of bed but it feels like Ive forgotten how to walk. Mikey grabs my wrist as the alarm starts. Its continuous ringing and it hurts my ears. It wakes me up a little and I try and move my legs to run next to him. I cant keep up. He shakes his head as my eyes close momentarily.

"Ill get the others, I wont be long. Hang in there." Mikey yells before doing the unthinkable.

He lets go of my hand and runs.

I watch him leg it to the door and break straight through the glass in front of my eyes. My heart practically shatters with the glass.

Mikey, how dare you leave me here.

Someone grabs me around my waist and I gasp. Im too sluggish to fight as the drug hasnt worn off.

Mikey just left me. The bastard.

People start taping the door like maniacs and others check the rooms.

"He escaped!"

"What do we do?"

They start dragging me off and I just manage to hear their intentions.

"He wont do anything. Besides, theyre all tagged."

The doctor puts me back into the bed and attaches everything back on.

Mikey left me here. There are 2 patients. Tens of doctors. 

There must be something wrong with the brothers, neither have the ability to keep a promise. He said he would be back soon but how long is soon...

The drug sets in again and I collapse.


When I wake, I dont wake gracefully. Im coughing and spluttering and tied to the ceiling by my feet. 

Im still drowsy and confused. How long have I been asleep? How long have I been tied up for?

My head hurts as the blood rushes to it and I start considering a way down.

Then theres the first strike on my back. It feels like a flame whipped across my bare back and I know its going to scar. But ive learnt to think more short term recently. Therefore itll only scar if I get out.

"Who killed doctor Fargo?" Someone asks angrily.

"I dont know. Ive been asleep for however long and-"

Another shock runs across from my back and I shout out. "How did they kill him?"

"I didnt know he was dead! I didnt know!" I groan in pain.

The pain strikes again and I cant help but try and arch my back, making it hurt more. Each whip makes me swing a little. The image of the swinging man... Im dead Im dead Im dead-

"I was asleep! I know nothing."

My head is spinning and I think about when I last ate. I could really do with a burger or something... The pain hits again and I feel something trickle down my back.

"Please! I have done nothing to deserve this!" I groan.

"Until you confess. We may be here for a while..." The voice says from behind me.

Theres a sound like a crack of a whip and I start thinking of things to make up. Honestly Im currently happy with blaming this on Mikey but I know it wouldnt solve anything.

"Tell us what you know."

Im silent whilst I think of what I could say and the whip strikes my back. I scream as it hits a place it has already struck. My body swings on the rope and the rope groans and creaks.

"I- I- I..." I start stuttering. "There... There was a guy in a mask and he just woke me and told me doctor Fargo is dead."

I try and close my eyes and the image of the damned dog returns to my brain. I want to scream out from the stress this is giving me. The whip cracks down and I swear loudly. I can feel blood dripping to the floor. Theres a puddle forming under my head. A tear drops and hits the middle. Why me?

"He threw me at Mikey and then escaped... He poisoned him. I think." I make up.

The whip cracks and I cry out. "Wrong. He wasnt poisoned."

"Did he get shot?"

The whip cracks again and I cry out. I wont be able to retain consciousness at this rate. Blood trickles down my limp arms and drips off my fingers.


The whip hits and I feel the drug hit again. I groan. My vision goes blurry and I struggle to breathe.

"How many ways can one die?" I mumble.

"Tell us."

I struggle to keep my eyes open. I hear the door creak open and then a thudding sound. Ive heard it enough times to know what that means.

"Please help." I breathe out.

"Mikey you cut the rope, Ill catch her."

"Okay, right."

Theres the sound of a chair scraping across the floor and someone climbing on it.



Theres a snap and suddenly I scream and my whole body drops from the sky towards the floor.

Its okay as someone catches me, his hand holds my back and I cry out. Its Gerard. Oh, GOD, I missed Gerard. I look up at him and his jaw drops.

"Seven. No..." He mumbles, trying to place me onto my feet.

My ankles have practically stopped working and the direction of my head makes the room spin. Gerard has to hold me up to stop me from falling over. Mikey jumps off the chair into the pool of my blood with a splat.

"You dont know how much I missed you." I breathe.

"I could say the same thing."

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