Drowning lessons.

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Next meal time I sit in the same place as usual, alone. A shadow falls onto my table and I realise- Mikey. 

He asks to sit. I let him.

I look at him, unsure how to start a conversation. I never talk... to anyone. No one wants to talk to me. No one wants to sit with me to start with-

"I had a bizarre treatment this morning. They took blood from me. That was it. They think I have too much blood and that theres pressure in my head."

"They explained it to you?" I ask.

"I listened."

I take a bite of my meal with a nod. I never really listen, I gave up ages ago. "You know what actually is bizarre?"

Mikey pulls a "go on" face.

"I havent properly talked to someone like this for almost a whole year. The first time I had a conversation in any form was with your brother the other day. I would have thought Id forgot how to speak!"

"Talking of..."

Doctor Way stands at the end of the table. He places his hands on the plastic.

"Mikey, got yourself a friend?" Doctor Way smirks.

"Yes I have Gerard you lonely old bugger."

"How are you feeling? They been good to you?"

"I hear from Seven that it gets worse than Im having."

They both look at me and I nod. Doctor Way knows. He is pretending he doesnt know.

"What havent we talked about, torture wise?" Mikey is certainly wittier when with his brother.

"They used to drain my blood too." I mumble. "They hung me upside down and cut me." My voice chokes and I smile weakly.

Theres a silence where all the good humour is sucked out of the conversation. I swallow and try and search for something less depressing.

"Didnt work though." I laugh awkwardly. "Im still here."

Someone calls for doctor Way across the room and he waves goodbye before leaving.

"My brother is so protective over me." Mikey laughs, watching after him. "He was consistently told this would help me so he told them to go slow. Thats why he works here now, to keep an eye on me."

"Thats really nice of him to do."

Mikey pauses on a breath for a moment, his eyes wondering off into the sky. "Is it really that torturous though?"

"I mean a few days ago I was in a coma, the day before that I had a seizure. All of them induced as treatment."

"Does it hurt?"

"I- I mean..."


That evening doctor Way puts the nodes on again, one by one. He seems more apprehensive and worried. I want to ask him whats wrong but I shouldnt because he is a doctor.

"So you met my brother?" He suddenly asks. He knows I met his brother, he is just making conversation.

"I did. You take care of him well."

"Theres nothing I wouldnt do for him."

I nod and lift my top a little, letting him press down a node on my skin.

"Are the treatments really that... Horrible?"

"Im pretty sure you saw me being put into a coma."

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