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My knees are about to give way, a burning reaching up my leg. I open my mouth to mention it but Gerard scoops me up in his arms before I can speak.

"We have a few minutes until theyll notice. Ray and Frank are freeing the other guy. Lets get out of here for the final time."

"Lets get to the van, theres a medical kit there and we can fix Seven up a bit." Gerard says, adjusting me in his arms so that my back is barely touched.

Gerard starts walking. With every step it hurts. I throw my head back and scrunch my eyes closed. My head spins and I just need this to stop for a few moments. I need it to stop.

This is all too much.

Before I know it Gerard places me in the back of a van and climbs in after me.

"Lie down so I can get to your back." He mumbles.

I hear the sound of some plastic rattling and I roll onto my front. I press my face to the cold metal of the floor and wait.

Gerard delicately presses down on the gashes with some sort of alcohol and it stings. I breathe in heavily and sob back out. He makes "shh" sounds as if to calm me, gingerly cleaning all the cuts and Mikey suggests checking Frank and Ray have made it out. With each slash he touches I cry out, my tears slowly washing my entire face.

"What did they do?" Gerard asks.

He helps me sit up. "They- they showed me all these videos and drugged me to relive everything- and- and-" I sob at him.

Gerard starts to wind a bandage across my torso, still ignoring the fact that Im in my bra. I just sit and cry to myself, lifting my arms every now and then.

"Then drugged me into sleeping," I yawn. "and- and- and Mikey just left me to get tied to the ceiling and whipped." I sigh.

His hand is on my waist as he continues to wind bandages around me.

"Ive seen some stuff and I- I know Ill see them again."

He looks up into my eyes as a sort of apology before finishing wrapping me up. "Anything else need medical attention?" He sighs, a serious look in his eyes.

"If you have food? Im so hungry. The last time I ate was before Mikey left."

Gerard pulls a rucksack over and starts rummaging in it. I lean my head back gingerly onto the edge of the van and close my eyes. I can feel Gerards thumb drag across my cheek and I just focus on breathing without hurting my back. A dry sob makes my back stretch.

Thats when the pain really hits. I grit my teeth as tears flow my eyes again and my back sets on fire.

"Oh..." I moan. "Gerard... Ah... Stop it..."

I can hear a chuckle as I arch my back, making the next wave of pain hit.

"Please... Make it stop..." I whisper.

"I- Here..." Gerard mumbles.

I open my eyes to meet him and he hands me a sandwich.

"I found it in Franks bag. Itll make you feel slightly better. Itll take your mind off it."

I take it from him and eat it as fast as I can. I practically absorb it. Im so hungry. He just watches me, biting his lip.

"You should lie down and try and get some rest... But not on the floor..."

He shuffles over towards me, and moves me so that Im sitting between his legs on my side, resting on his chest.

He strokes over my head. "Just... Breathe... We can get to a hospital once the others are back."

I can hear his heartbeat through his chest. Its faster than normal, I assume its fear. I close my eyes and focus on it as Gerard puts his arm around me.

"Hey, you got Seven?" Rays voice almost echoes in my ears.

"Yeah." Gerards chest rumbles.

"Thats all of us then. Lets go."

"Stop off at the hospital."

He runs his hand through my hair and cups my face. Through the pain, a smile slips on my lips.

"What injuries?" I hear Mikey ask.

"Hm? Oh... Yeah, just the lashes on her back currently. Suspected malnutrition possibly." Gerard says, his head leaning on mine.

Before I know it the car turns sharply into somewhere and Ray calls everyone into action.

"Lets go!" Ray yells from the front as the door of the van is thrown open.

Mikey holds the door open and Gerard scoops me up easily. Gerards feet thump as he runs, throwing spasms through my back.

"Ill lock up the car..." Franks voice is left behind as we burst into bright light.

"Do we have a doctor?"


I wake up with my face pressed into my pillow and a tightness in my back.

I think my back is numb as I roll over without being in pain. I see Mikey first, applying a new bandage to his side.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" I ask him.

He laughs. "You first."

"It hasnt hit me yet. This room smells sickly, though."

"Nothing is infected yet, on either of us, luckily. Im just bandaging my gashes. Gerard feels so bad about this." He motions to his side. "So I told him it was just on this pretty little face."

"Did you actually kill Franco, though? They kept asking me and whipping me and now I actually want to know."

"I shut the door on his foot and then something happened and he just dropped? Its hard to remember." He sighs.

"Its almost like its something important, why they asked me. Although, it was likely they did it just to torture me."


The door opens and a doctor enters. Man, Im so done with doctors.

"Ah, youre awake." The doctor grins.

He starts pressing buttons on the beeping machine. I miss Gerard doing this. But not in the situation I was in... Just the closeness and intimacy.

"Ill bring you some solid food to eat, the drip isnt going to do much for you..."

He presses a button to call someone and asks for a food tray.

"Ill check up this evening, you should be good to go tomorrow."

He waves goodbye and I turn to look at Mikey. He shrugs.

A nurse enters with a tray of food and places it on my lap with a smile. I thank her and as soon at the door closes I dig in.

"Seven slow down, gees!" Mikey laughs as I stuff my face with food.

"My stomach aches, Im so hungry." I say through a mouthful of food.

"Youll hurt your stomach eating that fast." He argues.

The door opens and Frank waves. His face lights up when he sees Im awake.

"How you feelin?" He says, grabbing a chair.

"Im not thinking about it." I nod back, chewing a mouthful of pasta.

"What about you Mikey?"

He shrugs. "I have a constant feeling of anxiety and my stomach and, you know, the surface is just a bit battered."

He nods, propping his feet up on my bed.

I roll onto my back and pull the blanket up to my face.

"You should sleep." Mikey sighs.

"I wasnt planning anything else."

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