One Last Kiss

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I sleep for a while, my head on Gerards chest, hugging his arm because I know that soon he wont be with me anymore. These are our last hours.

Eventually the sun starts to rise and Gerard swaps driving with Tyler. I can see a city on the horizon and I feel I may be safer than anticipated.

"Now the night is coming to an end..." Tyler sings quietly to himself, his hand drawing in the condensation on the window.

I sit up properly from the slouched position I had gained from the time just travelling. The sky is an orange colour. Ive only seen a sunset once before... With Gerard. I sigh to myself, not long to go...

"The sun will rise and we will try again..."

"Are we out?" I ask, my voice clouded by fatigue.

"Yeah, youre stopping soon..."

"What now then?" I ask.

"I will fear the night again..." Tyler continues under our conversation, singing to himself.

"Where will we live?"

"Youre taking my flat."

"Where are you going to live?"

"I cant tell you."


"I hope Im not my only friend..." Tylers voice raise like a cough, cutting me off.

"We have to dissociate." Gerard sighs.

I lean back in the car, a lump in my throat, and cross my arms.

"Its not for ever. Its for now."

"How long is now?" I ask.

I can see him shrug as we turn down a side road, finally in the city.

"Take pride in what is sure to die..." Tylers throat cracks and he puts his head on his knees.

"Ill give you a key and money for a week. Both of you get jobs and new names, maybe even a backstory together. I dont want to hear you got taken back. Got it?" Gerard says, pulling the car to a stop.

"Yeah..." I reply.

We climb out the car and Gerard joins for a moment. "Seven, take this, I have clothes where Im going and you cant get a job when youre topless."

Gerard takes his top off and hands it to me. My eyes scan his chest for a few seconds, just taking him in for these last moments. I put it on and almost frown, it smells just like him. It hangs off of me and I remember that I havent eaten in a few hours. It will have to do, wont it? Dried blood flakes onto the floor like snow and I cant believe this is happening.

"Heres the key and heres some money. Good luck, Ive gotta go."

Tyler takes the key and money with a humble but short thank you and goes to open the door. Gerard looks down for a moment before walking towards the car.

"Gerard." I frown.

"Seven..." Gerard stops on his way to the car.

"Please dont just go?"

He turns around and hesitates before walking over and grabbing my face, leaning in. He presses his lips on mine and kisses me as passionately as he ever has. I dont have time to grab him back before he steps back and walks back to the car. My breath is let out like a sigh.

He looks back at me with a red face and his damn half mouth smile before hitting the pedal and disappearing.

And thats it, hes just gone.

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