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I lie in bed, my head wonders and I find it hard to stick to one thought. I run my fingers over the lump in my wrist until I can feel my pulse in it. This is all so wrong. I shouldnt have this feeling of paranoia about it, constantly.

I close my eyes for what seems like a moment until a beeping sound wakes me up.

I look around the room to look for a source. Theres nothing.

Eventually I calm down and fall asleep again, only to be woken by another beep.

This time I sit up in bed, searching the room and wrecking my mind trying to find it.


This happens a third and final time.

On the third time I struggle out of bed and scuffle to standing. Im going to get water and when I come back it will have stopped. Im sure. I imagining it.

I take a glass of water and down it, leaning on the counter. Ill go see Gerard. That will help. He is good at convincing me its my mind being messy rather than having me think that actual horrible events are happening.

What if he doesnt want me in his room at this time?

Nah... He will love it.

I place the glass in the sink before sneaking into Gerards room. His bed is in the corner and I stumble over the unfamiliar texture of his carpet to reach him. Without much thought I immediately climb on top of him, straddling his waist.

"Mikey?" He groans.

"Nope." I whisper back.

"Seven? Why you sitting on me, am I late for work?"

"No its still night, I think." I swallow. "Kept hearing beeps so I came to see you to see if you heard it too." When I mention the beeping he freezes, but before I can work out why he snaps back onto reality.

"So you straddled me?" He laughs guiltily.

I lean towards his face, calling his actions confusion. "Uh hu." He knows something.

"Of course... Beeping? How often."

I shrug. "Ive heard three throughout the night so far."

"Could you stop straddling me, come lie down." He pats beside him and I immediately climb under the covers next to him.

"Theres no source, but it seems to be awfully close." I sigh, watching him try and wake a little.

"Mhm?" He puts his arm around me in his weird daze.

"Do you know what it is?"

"Mhm..." He repeats.

"You do?"

"Just sleep..." He yawns. "Ill hear it if it happens again."

"Okay." I sigh, getting comfortable near to him.

He reaches his hand out and pulls me closer than the 3 feet between us. "Dont be shy, sugar." The nickname calms me down immediately. He knows exactly what to say...

It doesnt take long for me to fall asleep after that. Im convinced the sound was just in my room.

Well, I was, until the sound happened again. I shoot to sitting, Gerards arms being flung off of me.

"You heard that, right?" I breathe.


"Im not going crazy then?"

He sits up, rubbing his eyes. "Nowhere near crazy."

"What was it? Its following me around..."

He leans back on his hands, putting his head back. His hair hangs limply behind him and he shrugs. "Not dangerous, I dont think."

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