Hun, I Always Look Amazing

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"What was all that sound last night? It sounded like a rap battle..." Frank laughs in the morning.

Gerard isnt out of bed yet and Mikey vigorously shakes his head at Frank. I put my head on the table.

"Trouble in paradise?" Frank seems more hesitant.

"I have been taken advantage of just because I have been hidden away." I state, sitting up and looking Frank in the eye.

"We are going today to see if a doctor can diagnose anything or give them treatment." Mikey says before Frank can reply. "And thats all that matters."

"Ill come with." Ray says. "Just in case things get hairy... You know?"

Mikey nods. Gerard walks through the door, trying to look dignified. He cant, only because of the red hand-shaped mark that he has tried so hard to cover up. Okay, I shouldnt have slapped him...

The car ride is quiet, mainly because of the music that Mikey put on to dispel the awkwardness. Ray makes a point of sitting between Gerard and myself.

We enter the building and I realise Im not as scared to visit new places as I was before. I smile to myself. Im stepping in the right direction.

Mikey comes in with me and we talk to the doctor for a while. We explain what we know about me and what happened.

The doctor says its likely Ive got PTSD. Im not sure what that means. To me its just another disorder Ive got.

"Ill give you some pills and if that doesnt work there are other types of therapy."

I rub my hands together in my lap, watching them rub over the other.

"I know its hard to deal with thing like this. Just remember not to lash out at anyone who is trying to help you. They all mean the best."

I look up at her and she nods.

"I bet theyre really fond of you in reality."

They give me the drugs and we all meet in the car again. The whole way back I think. Does Gerard really... Yes he does.

I keep huffing and puffing and fighting with myself to the point that Mikey leans over and touches my shoulder. I apologise.


That evening, as I walk past Gerard in the hall, he pulls me into one of the rooms off the hall. Its dark and he doesnt even turn the light on before starting a desperate speech.

"I never knew how to take care of someone. I always assumed that a kiss would make things better. I was told to kiss things better." He takes a breath, running his hands through his hair before continuing. "I just have this weird urge to just be all intimate and close to you and I thought you might want the same thing I just... Im sorry... I deserved that."

"You didnt deserve the slap." I point out. "Although... The rest was valid."

"I just have an overwhelming want to be near to you and to hold you when youre upset. Im sorry Seven."

I can really see the sorry glaze in his eyes and he looks religiously freaked out. He switches the parting in his hair with his hand. He is slouched in the hopes of being more my height.

"Please, please forgive me."

"I acted a bit irrationally. I should have understood that you were trying to help." I apologise. "I feel the same as you emotionally... But shutting someone up with a kiss should only be in movies..."

He nods quickly and opens his arms in questioning silence. I lean in and wrap my arms around him. He is so soft and smells like warmth... I bury my head in his neck and he holds me tight.

"Im sorry." He sighs.

That evening the tension dies down and everything is placid again. I start to look at the lipstick and mascara that the guys bought me. I have no idea how to use it so I decide to challenge the guys in a game of "who can do the best makeup". Im pretty sure theyd never say no to a nice bit of competition.

Frank does Gerards face first. He talks through it as if its going to turn out well. You could tell he was going to fail because he used that lip stick stuff on Gerards cheeks and Im pretty sure it doesnt go there. After he looks like a mess.

"What do you think guys?" He asks.

"Gross." Mikey laughs.

"Then Ill do your face next!" Gerard laughs, leaning over at Mikey with the eyeliner pencil.

He makes a "shh" face at us before drawing all over Mikeys face.

"Gerard are you sure this is right?" Mikey asks.

"Stop whining Mikey, gees!"

He puts on lipstick and then puts mascara on his eyebrows... Mikey starts making uncomfortable sounds and everyone else is laughing.

"You look beautiful." Gerard says fondly.

Mikey looks like... A mess.

"I choose Sevens face!" Mikey grins.

I prepare as he leans over. I dont feel him drawing on my face or covering my eyebrows in mascara. It feels like his doing it properly. The others arent chuckling either, which is a sign somethings different.

"Mikey, I thought youd fuck up her face. Thats not half bad..." Gerard says.

"Its a bit wonky-" Frank starts.

"But better than yours!" Ray grins.

I place my hands under my face as if to display it and grin. They all laugh.

"Ill do Rays face!" I say looking at the makeup.

Im not sure what Im doing but I draw a line over his eyelids in the red powder and blur it in before realising that the black stuff should line his eyes. The line is so wobbly that I have to blur it in a little. I quickly try the other stuff before Ray then advances on Frank.

"Not a bad job Seven. Really, though, you used almost everything incorrectly, but it works..." Mikey praises me.

"Really?" I reply.

"I wouldnt try that look in real life though." He laughs.

Frank looks the worst. Ray managed to cover his whole face in eyeliner except for weird red patches. Frank just keeps laughing as Ray scribbles on his face.

"You look ridiculous!" Gerard laughs, grabbing his stomach.

Im almost in laughing shock, my stomach hurts from the laughter. My lungs start to burn as I take breath after desperate breath because of laughter. Ray insists on taking a photo of all of us so we all smile as he does so. It is even funnier as Frank has a black smeared face and in the middle his white grin stands out.

"Frank! You look amazing!" I laugh harder, tears in my eyes.

"Hun, I always look amazing."

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