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I only realise I fell asleep in the cupboard when Ray wakes me up.

He kneels down, shaking my arm a little. I let out a small groan before trying to roll over. But I cant because clothes are in the way. I am literally in a pile of Rays clothes.

"Seven, you can come out now?" He whispers.

I push myself to sitting and stretch. "Did they go?"

"Theyre gone."

"And Mikey?"


He gives me a hand out of the cupboard and I brush myself off.

"You fell asleep for a while and I didnt really want to wake you, you looked so peaceful."

I laugh nervously and follow him through to the main room where the others are deciding on a movie to watch.

"Horror!" Frank grins.

"No, Frank." Mikey sighs, standing with some DVDs in his hands.

I take a seat next to doctor Way on the sofa and Ray sits next to me.

"What cupboard were you in?" Doctor Way asks.

"In Rays room." I nod. "I could hear you right close up by the cupboard."

"You could?"


Mikey looks defeated. "Anyone against violent torture of Chinese soldiers?" Mikey sighs.

"Its not called that!" Frank calls out.

Nobody protests. I dont know what its about so its not my place to protest. 

"Lets watch it then." Mikey throws his hands in the air and huffs.

When was the last time I saw a movie? Must have been over 3 years ago. It feels good to be free.

Throughout the movie Doctor Way doesnt flinch once. He doesnt make a disgusted sound or anything... He must be stuck in thought. Meawhile the others are screaming and making crazed sounds. I jump at the jump scares but nothing else really phases me. Ive lived worse stuff than this crap.

At the end I decide to ask why he was so unphased.

"Doctor Way?" I turn to face him and whisper.

He doesnt react so I try again.

"Doctor Way?" I say a little louder.

"Wait, youre talking to me?" Doctor Way says in disbelief.

Suddenly I feel like I shouldnt have started the conversation. The doctor starts the conversation with you. You dont talk to them. I edge a little away from him in anticipation. My breathing speeds up until my mind mixes.

"Did you call me Doctor Way?" He asks as Frank turns the lights on.

"Y-yes?" Im practically on top of Ray now.

Theres a moment of silence. I close my eyes and turn my head away and wait. My breath stutters in anticipation.

Suddenly he bursts out into laughter.

"OH MY GOD!" He laughs.

Why would he be be laughing?

"Doctor Way? You call me Doctor Way?'

"Thats what you told me to call you?" I reply, confused.

"Call me Gerard, sugar, not Doctor Way! That was just for the asylum."

He called me sugar again.

"Wow youre so precious."

"Gerard." I try out. "Sorry."

"No- no- no its fine!" He wont stop laughing and now the others are laughing too.

I cant help but chuckle a little, maybe I was a bit silly thinking of that...


I wake up from a dream screaming. The water was there. I relived it. I screamed the same words. My eyes weep and I desperately wipe the tears off me.

The door opens suddenly and I push myself into the corner that the bed meets the wall. I pull my legs to my chest and hug them rocking a little.

"Seven?" Mikey whispers.

"Mikey?" I whisper.

My voice is slurred by tears and fear.

Mikey walks over slowly as if Im an animal that may sprint away and sits on the corner of my bed.

"You were screaming out about water..."

I nod.

"You know?"

"I relived the final treatment in my dream. The water one." I breathe.

"Oh... Well you know youre out of there now and nothing is going to happen like that again."

I shrug. I can see him try and smile in the dark.

"Do you want some water?" Ironic.

"Ill go and get some myself, thank you Mikey." I mumble.

"Im just next door if you need me."

I follow him out my room, he turns one way I turn the other.

Theres a figure in the kitchen, hunched over the sink.

"Hello?" I call out.

Well, I say call out, but we all know it was probably a whisper.

The figure turns around and his head cocks to the side. By that I know its Doctor W- Gerard. His hair flops with gravity and he looks pointedly at me, inviting me over

"Have you been crying?" He asks.

He leans forward into the light and I can see a stream of dry tears on his face.

"Have you been crying?" I echo back at him, walking closer.

"I just keep hearing your screams from when they drowned you... When I..."

"Maybe because I was just screaming them."


I shuffle past him and get myself a glass of water. I take a sip before sitting up on the counter.

"You were reliving it?"

"Were you?" I reply, crossing my legs.

He knows the answer as well as I do.

"I still kind of hate you for it."

"No, Im sorry. I didnt want to tell you because of how youd react. I now regret not taking you guys out earlier. Im sorry. It just... Keeps following me. Its so horrible working at the asylum. I just want to close it down but cant find a good enough time or reason."

I shrug and wipe away at the tear stains on my cheeks. "Im sure one day you will find one."

Theres a silence and I sip on my water.

The room is doused in shadows, the best shadows being me and Gerard, and has a sort of blue tint to it. Call it pathetic fallacy, I bring the pathetic.

Gerard coughs for a second before engaging in conversation again. "You know, I thought you were actually gonna die. Mikey was freaking out and I tried CPR-"

"Thats enough, thanks." I sigh, not wanting to think about it. "Im going to bed again."

"Sleep well."

"We can both try that one."

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