.Brave New World (Part 2).

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.Chapter 50.

.Brave New World (Part 2).


"The doctor said I'm good as new. He signed me out." Caroline addressed into the phone while Brooklyn packed up her bag ready to leave, "He said that I didn't have to wait 'til morning, so call me when you get this." She finished ending the call and turning to the witch with a smile.

"Ready to go see the carnival?" She asked handing the blonde her bag linking her arm through hers.

"I'm worried it's a complete disaster." Caroline sighed looking at the brunette as they walked out the hospital room, "I mean god bless Elena, but she does not understand the word fabulous." She finished making the older girl let out a light laugh.

"No one can do 'Fabulous' like Caroline Forbes." Brooklyn commented in agreement smiling up at the blonde who seemed to have gained a confident aura.

"Damn straight."


"Huh." Caroline muttered as she observed the Carnival, hands on her hips as her scrutinising gaze swept over the scene.

"They did a pretty good job didn't they?" Brooklyn asked smirking over at the blonde who rolled her eyes at the teasing tone.

Caroline's eyes narrowed slightly when she caught sight of Damon walking into the school causing her to turn to Brooklyn with a smirk, "I have an idea."


"Are you sure about this?" Brooklyn asked looking at the girl with an amused almost proud smirk.

"Definitely." Caroline nodded with a smirk of her own, ever since the witch helped her regain her forgotten memories the vampire had compelled away, she'd been wanting to give him a piece of her mind and now she was stronger she could. Beside she had the element of surprise.

Brooklyn nodded over at the vampire before using her magic to conceal herself making her only visible to the blonde beside her. She stayed behind while Caroline rounded the corner and confronted Damon, she knew needed to do this for herself.


Emerging from the hallway with a satisfied smile Caroline linked her arm with Brooklyn who smile at the girls expression.

"Were to next?"


Walking out of the school Damon quickly pulled out his phone and dialled a certain witches number. Unbeknownst to him said witches phone was sat on the bedside table in her house and after her surprise visit the night before she had forgotten to retrieve it.

"Damn it Brooklyn pick up." He muttered anxiously, he knew she had gone to see the blonde at the hospital that morning so he only hope she was okay.


"How did this happen?" Stefan asked looking at his brother with deeply furrowed brows.

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