Chapter 9

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We spent midnight together with Hannah, and I spent the rest of the night thinking about her. I told her that I didn't believe in a relationship from a distance. It was cruel. But what else should I have told her? Not to lie. I really don't see a way out of this situation... Maybe she could stay here... with me... But will she have enough of me? After all, she has her whole life there and it seems that I will never be in it...

During the day I decided to get a good night's sleep before work, the night was long. Also my partner got sick, I had to play alone for 6 hours. I turned off the sound in my phone and fell asleep. I woke up closer to the evening and found more than 10 missed calls from Hannah, a few from Kate... and now Mary's phone appeared on the screen...

"Finally you picked up the phone, dummy!" she screamed in terror. I was stunned and still very sleepy. "Where the hell have you been?"

"Hey, take it easy..." Mary and I are not even friends, and she allows it.

"We called you a million times!" on the word "we" I was tense, maybe she means Hannah? "Get ready urgently, I threw you the address in a text!"

"Where should I go? I don't understand anything..." wherever she is now, it was very noisy.

"Hannah's grandmother got to the hospital! We have been here since morning! And your girlfriend really needs you..." I got up sharply.

"Shit. I did not know! I'm already on my way!" my heart was racing. Why the fuck did I turn off my phone?! She needed me, and I was not there.

"Wait, Max... something else happened..." what else? "Hannah was very worried... she didn't eat anything all day... a couple of hours ago she felt sick and was taken away too..."

"Where was she taken? What exactly happened??" Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I was in a hurry like a madman, pulling the first clothes on myself and running out of the house.

"It seems to be nothing... The pressure... It's the nerves... But until she's released... Kate is talking to the doctors... and I'm trying to cheer Hannah up and convince her not to leave the room..." Mary's stuttering.

"I will be in 20 minutes!"

Nothing more terrible could have happened. Even Hannah's departure is nothing compared to this. She feels bad. Things are even worse with her grandmother. She is alone. And I am not near. Hasn't been all day. A WHOLE DAY. FUCKING. DAY. I hate myself! I should have been there for you at that moment... not to sleep stupidly. I had to make her not worry and eat normally... then she wouldn't feel bad... Then I would be who I was supposed to be. But, no. She called a bunch of times and worried even more about me not picking up the phone. God, I can't think about my defenseless baby anymore... I have to hug her and make sure she will be fine!

I am sure that today I caught a lot of fines. I don't care. I broke into the hospital, frightening the visitors inside. It seems that I had a frightening look. I noticed Kate near the reception and ran to her.

"Hi. Where is Hannah?" I couldn't wait any longer.

"Hi, she is in room 16, on the second floor," Turned around and started running. "Wait, Max! You do not have to go to her"

YOU MEAN I SHOULDN'T GO TO HER? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? She doesn't want to see me? No, no, no! I turned to Kate.

"She just fell asleep, the doctors gave her sleeping pills... But she didn't know about it... She just needed to rest... Mary was with her. In the meantime, we need your help," I'm ready to do anything for Hannah! But now I want to see her so much...

"Please, tell me what happened and how I can help," it was difficult to talk.

"Around 9 a.m. her grandmother felt bad, as I understood, she had heart problems before... But this is not surprising, given her age... And she was taken to the hospital... They said here that the suspicion of myocardial infarction... Naturally, Hannah was very worried, as it is dangerous to experience such a thing at the age of 70... and may end up deadly. Her grandmother was taken to the ICU and for several hours she was not told anything at all. Of course, Hannah was going crazy... She called you, but you did not answer, and then she called us. When we arrived Hannah was very pale and was crying..." Every word was given a painful push. I wanted to punch myself. "And then she suddenly said that she had a noise in her ears and started to fall down... Mary and I didn't have time to catch up with her... In general, as it turned out later, her blood pressure dropped down and it made her eyes dark... it wasn't that bad, she just needed to eat, rest, they also put her on an IV... Only, when she fell down, she probably hit her head hard, so she got a slight concussion"

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