Chapter 26

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A few days flew by unnoticed, but very fun. We went to the movies, to the exhibitions, to the cafes, to the amusement park and even went with the guys to the beach where Max broke into the stall when I was changing... By the way, he did it again... only now on legal rights, as he put it. I still roll my eyes when I remember it. We didn't want to lose a minute... making up for lost days separated by kilometers...

The situation with Violetta ... seems to have been different between us... We agreed that we would return to this topic only if one of us got embarrassed or unpleasant again ... or rather me. But everything was going quite well. I just hope that he will never speak to her again and will not make such a mistake.

I didn't know how to fly back... I just couldn't imagine... already tomorrow... It was as if I was rushing between two lives... and couldn't unite them in any way.

"Recently, you wake up early, baby," Max muttered in a sleepy voice and pulled me towards you. "Good morning, beautiful"

Every our morning started with kisses and sex... That's why we got stuck in bed sometimes for two or even three hours... gently... and tasted each other... How will I be without it?

"Hi. Can't sleep, different thoughts..." I answered.

"What thoughts?" he worried, he asked.

"Tomorrow night I'm leaving..." Max had a sad exhalation.

"I was hoping that it was a dream," I smiled weakly and pressed my knees to me. "So, we have about 36 hours left to enjoy each other. I am not going to lose a single second"

Max's look became cunning, he tickled me and I laughed. We clung to each other and he began to gently move his fingers along my waist, ass, and hands... I adored it... When the body was covered with goosebumps from his touch...


After breakfast, the phone rang. It was Dad. I sighed convulsively.

"What is it?" Max asked.

"It was Dad..." I rolled my eyes.

"Pick up the phone," he confidently answered.

My relationship with my dad... after I found out... that he was the one who encouraged Max to leave me... it got worse again... I know why he did it. But he didn't think about my feelings at all. And I was offended by it. Especially since my father was sure of the correctness of his words to this day... We had nothing to talk about. But, to be honest, I was tired of being angry with my mother and offended with my father...

"Hello, dear," exclaimed Dad when I picked up the phone.


"How is it going in there?" he tried to smile.

"Dad, if you call to see if I will fly home tomorrow... I will. Calm down," it is clear why he is calling.

"Uh... no... you got it wrong..."

"Hello, Mr. Bell," Max came up to me. I did not expect it at all.

"Hello, Max," Dad was looking at my boyfriend strangely. "How are you doing?"

"Thank you, I'm fine. And yours?" Are we going to have small talk here?

"It's not bad either... but I miss my daughter..." he smiled and looked at me.

"Don't worry, she'll fly home tomorrow," Max assured him.

"Yes, and this time he will not even have to leave me," probably, it was not the best joke, but it sounded funny in my head. Max was a little confused.

Love is poison, Love is paradiseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang