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I can't believe my eyes, but this book is complete! It has been an amazing and unforgettable journey for me as a young author. And it wouldn't have happened if I didn't have YOU.

My Dear Reader, you are wonderful! I am grateful that you read and waited for each chapter. For getting into and hopefully loving Hannah and Max's story as much as I was able to love it. Thank you for being there for me - it gave me strength and meaning personally! I really hope you look forward to the sequel...because there will be one.

A special huge thank you to Anna Bezbatchenko for inspiring this story with real locations of the city of Dnipro. You can meet them in the chapter about the date on the platform and the conversation on the Ferris wheel. All of these locations are real, even though few people know about them! Thank you for giving a 'picture' and thus making these moments even more special.

Thank you to my mother. Most empathetic and understanding, who was not at all surprised when she found out about the book's '18+' rating. Thank you for being so modern with me. Thank you for supporting me and believing in me. I know while I was writing...we didn't have much time to was hard not to be offended by me...but we'll make it up to you now. Love you!

Also thank you to my dear and beloved man. For his patience. For understanding. Support. And help. I'm sorry for every "I'm tired and I don't want anything"... Anton, you endured and understood how important this is to me. You know...I will complain and whine and cry...but it makes me happy, which means I won't give up. Thanks for the criticism, the jokes, and the encouragement. Thank you for the music advice, I couldn't have figured it out without you. And just thank you for being there for me! I was very lucky to have you.

The last, but most important 'thank you' I have to say to my friend Polina. Darling, without you this book would not have been written. You felt with me every moment of this story. You stayed up nights with me to be the first to read a chapter. 24/7 listening to my ideas, concerns, and various organizational things... I was dumping everything on you. You didn't have to, but you were there for me. You are someone who shows not by word but by deed what friendship is and how invaluable it is. You seem to be a major fan of this story and it means a lot to her, believe me! I am immensely grateful to have you in my life.

Of course, I can't help but express my gratitude to Litnet, the literary portal that gives young authors the opportunity to publish their books. I was once your reader and now an author. Who would have thought, right? Thank you.

And, of course, a huge thank you to every person I know and stranger who has written or is now writing words of encouragement. You have no idea how much it means to me. Thank you for opening my book and starting to read it! Thank you for writing these few words and making me very happy that way!

Hannah and Max's story doesn't end, it lives on...and it's all thanks to YOU ALL!

Author's Instagram and Tik Tok - @annakotlyarevskawriter

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