Chapter 11

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Yesterday Max just stunned me with his proposal... He wants me to stay here in Ukraine with him. I did not expect it in any way... Did I want to stay here with him? Absolutely. But was I ready to leave my life in America? I am not sure. And even more insecure in my future here... What will happen if we suddenly part...

"Today I bought tickets home," I came and sat down on his lap.

"So, you have already made a decision?" He looked as if I had slapped him.

"No..." I answered honestly.

"Please," he buried his nose in my hair. "Just think about it..."

"This is a big responsibility for you... Do you understand that? If I stay... it will be a new stage in a relationship... it's a serious step"

"Baby, I get it. All I want you to do is to never leave this apartment again," he's got me pinned down harder.

"I also don't want to leave ... But I really don't know what I will be able to do in this country ... and it will be hard with education ... Daddy won't help if I stay here ..." actually, I didn't care much about these questions, but my brain suggested that I should think rationally.

"I am sure that we accept international students. And you don't need your daddy, I will help you," he sounded confident in his voice.

"Oh...just I am afraid that if I leave I will escape from my problems that are waiting for me in America...and I don't want to run anymore..."

"We will deal with everything if we are together. I am sure of it. All I need is for you to be here with me. You make me inspired and in love with this life. With you, I feel that everything is possible!" I have never been told such words before.

I went up, wiped a tear rolling down my cheek, and took out my sketches... on the platform... and the Ferris wheel....

"These are the most valuable memories in my life. The happiest moments. And I want there to be as many moments as possible," I gave him some sheets.

"Oh, baby, this is great... You have a real talent," he exclaimed. "You have to draw more!"

"Thank you..." I answered confusedly.

"When is your flight?" he asked sadly.

"A week later," I sweated my eyes at the bottom.

"So, we have 7 days," he got up and came to me.

He embraced my face with his hands and drew me to him, soaking his lips in me. It was a hard kiss... all pain was concentrated in it. Our relationship....

"Just do not say 'no'. You have one more week to make a decision. Okay?" he whispered.

"Okay..." I really wanted to stay, I knew it.

A few days flew by like an instant. My grandmother was discharged from the hospital, she felt fine. But I never came back to her house. Max and I were absorbed by each other and just could not part. Not now. We visited her every day, and Grandma was not offended, she understood everything.

We spent all our free time with Max... walking... cooking together... meeting friends... Mary, Kate, Dan, Andy, and Mark became very close friends with us. It was hard to imagine life without them.

The time we spent alone with this man was magical. Next to him, I was burning in all senses. He was so passionate in bed, in the bathroom, in the kitchen... Oh... he gave me incredible orgasms and made me feel in the seventh heaven... The day before yesterday he even climbed into the dressing room when I was trying on underwear. As a result, we took all sets of underwear, though I didn't even have time to try them on... Max said he needed to take a closer look at it at home... and asked to have a "fashion show", but he snapped at the first set... I giggled.

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