Chapter 21

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This morning I woke up the happiest person in the world. I was happy because I had hope. Yesterday I told Hannah that I love her. I should have said it much earlier... But I was a jerk. I was silent until I lost the dearest person... To be more precise, I threw her out of my life on my own...

But yesterday the Universe smiled at me and gave me a chance to make things right. It seems that Hannah was very surprised by my confession. And it was only my fault. She should never have thought that I might not love her. Of course, she needs time to think about the words I said and believe in them. But today we will call again ... and it will be the best part of my day.

I am a different person now. I can breathe easier, there is no heaviness on my heart and I want to smile like an idiot. Everything in this goddamn world is getting better with her. I am ready to say it a million times. She inspires me.

In the morning I wrote her a message. I have never written a message for so long. I wrote and washed, tried to pick up words... I did not want to push her.

"Good morning, Hannah. I hope you have a good day. I left on business. See you in the evening."

I was afraid that she would not answer. But my girl answered.

"Hello. Thank you : ) Good luck with your business! I'm waiting for the evening."

Shit. She is waiting for the evening! She is waiting for us to talk! My baby wants to talk to me! I was a child who was allowed to open all the Kinder Surprise world. Reread this message several times and could not believe that after all that I did, this girl is still waiting for my call. Lucky you!


He held my hair from behind, bit my neck, and rubbed his dick on my ass... I moaned in anticipation when he entered me...

"Baby, you are so impatient. Do you know about this?" he laughed in my ear. I smiled sly.

I lifted my ass up a little and sat on it with a quick movement. He let out a growl. He grabbed my hair harder and pulled me towards him. I moved towards him in a furious rhythm. Oh my God. My head was going round. It was unbelievable.

"Yes... Baby... I love you..." he shouted out, pouring on my ass.

It was happening again. I woke up. And I did not want to wake up. Erotic dreams with Max's participation continued, only now he said that he loved me. Shit... it was pleasant. If it had happened in real life...

So, I have to get it out of my head. After our breakup, we called only twice... Yesterday was a nice conversation about everything and nothing. We talked for almost 3 hours. But it's too early to talk about sex.

I was dynamizing Chad for the second day... I was making up excuses why I can't meet. And why, really? It's just that it's Max... He's so... It's hard to resist him... I feel free with him, easy... Yes, he hurt me. And I will never be able to forget about it. But his presence still makes me incredibly happy... And it seems to him too... Today he will call again... I smiled.


"Hi, baby!" Max appeared on my monitor screen wearing a black tight T-shirt and ruffled hair. "Sorry I'm late... So much to do... and traffic..."

"Hi..." I answered, correcting hair behind the ear.

"Why are you so blushing?" what? Did I blush? Shit... He called me baby... and I know he used to call me that often... But lately only in a dream... And in this dream... Jesus. All right, Hannah, don't blush. Don't blush!

"Oh... I don't know... it's just hot in here... I guess... I crumpled"

"Is it hot?" he smiled. "So take off your clothes..."

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