Chapter 25

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I was walking to Max in an incomprehensible condition. He called and wrote all this time, but I turned off the sound. I love him. I love him with all my heart. But I just can't believe... what happened between him and Violetta... I hate it when I think about it.

Grandma Dee thinks that our love story is incredible. She said Max was wrong ... but there were reasons ... Yes, she is right. But it's hard to forgive once again. And believe it again. How many more such mistakes will there be?

It was already night ... There are no souls on the street. I need time. Perhaps, when I see it... I can make a decision.


Hopelessness ate me. I have done things ... and I do not know how to fix them now ... I am used to solving problems. If there is a problem, then there is a solution. But, what to do if you are a huge problem for yourself? If you are making things worse for yourself? I don't deserve a girl like Hannah... She doesn't deserve to be treated that way... The doorbell rang...

She was standing on the threshold. My baby. With a tortured, crying face and ruffled hair. I did this to her... She is unhappy with me...

"Hi..." I was afraid to talk to her, suddenly she will evaporate.

Hannah looked at me with a studied, but devastated look. I wanted to grab her and drag her into an apartment. I was ready to keep her all my life as long as she was always with me.

"Hello," she said with a lifeless voice at last. I wanted her to laugh, and her cheeks blushed again. I wanted all this to be thanks to me. But I ruined everything.

"Hannah... come in... please... we need to talk..." I looked at her beggingly. She walked in.

Where do I start? What words in this situation I have to pick up... She walked and sat down on the bed, drilling me with her eyes.

"Well, I want to listen to you..." she pierced me with a glance, which I could not understand.

I went back and forth, nervously swallowing...

"Baby, I'm a bastard. We made up our minds about it at the moment when I sent that damn text. I made one mistake. And the last thing I wanted to do was to make the second one. But I have made it. I have no excuse. Everything I said before you left... Bullshit. It's true, but it's delusional. Nothing I said will change what I did..." I looked at her seriously. "That's why I can't get rid of the mistakes I made. I fell too low, but you should know... it happened only because I sincerely believed... you will never come back to me... I didn't know how to stop this pain... I tried a lot..."

Hannah looked at me with anxiety.

"... But... nothing helped... and when I thought that you were with another... I decided that the other girl would be able to muffle this pain. But she could not. I immediately understood this and stopped her. I did not need anyone. Only you. No one could replace you. And they couldn't"

She was nervously rubbing the curl near her face.

"... You are a very strong girl, because you were able to survive it all with dignity... And I am weak. I could only drink and make mistakes... I want to be better... for you... Stronger... Wiser... Right... I want you to be proud of me... Love me... To give you happiness... Only I... You are the best in me. This is the truth. And for your sake, I will do anything to never let you down again. I swear"

Hannah still didn't say anything. It bothered me.

"I will repeat myself... I cannot correct my mistakes. They will stay with us forever. But I can give you something more. Love. And I assure you... It will be so strong that it will cover all my mistakes. I promise"

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