Chapter 28

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I'm back home. To New York. To my favorite city. To my family. But Max was also my family. As loud as it sounds, it was true...

The entrance exams began, a kind of creative competition. I was completely absorbed in the process. It was interesting. I was already looking forward to the beginning of the semester. Hopefully I would get accepted.

Beth stopped by to visit a few times, tried to take me out for a walk...with Chris and Chad. But I tried to explain to her that I couldn't go out with Chad... I didn't want to give him hope. I love Max, and that's not going to change. Bethany thawed out a little to my boyfriend, but still stated: "Until I see the man in person and verify his intentions regarding you, I won't give 100% approval!" Well, I'm afraid to even guess...when she could see Max...even I didn't know when I would see him...

And that made me feel lousy... Of course, going home thinking that Max and I were okay... was easier. But was it good? Could it ever be good with people who were on different continents?

Even more depressing was the fact that the day after my return... something happened at work... And we hadn't spoken in four days... I was beginning to worry... He couldn't have left me again, could he?


I woke up alone again. Fuck. Take me back. Back to when my girl was with me... Shit. I have to be strong for Hannah. And I will be. But I have to find a solution... For us.

We were supposed to call Jace today and discuss the possibility of rotating our track on radio stations, clubs, and outdoor venues. It's an important question. We already have a few suggestions, it's time to discuss the terms.

Talking to Jace really helped me get to the next language level in English. And that's really cool. Now we chatted a lot on different topics. He was really cool and interesting person.

"Hey, man!"

"Hey Max! Good to hear from you!" Jace answered. His voice was slightly husky.

"Me too! What's the latest?" I asked.

"Things are going really well. I got a request from Hot 108 Jamz, MGM and HitzConnect Radio"

"If I'm not mistaken, MGM is lounge radio?"

"Yes, so their target audience is ours, too. The other two radio stations play mostly hits, which is very cool. I'm sure we'll get even more offers after this," Jace was enthusiastic.

"Great! What are we going to do with the rights to rotate our track on the open houses? We've already started doing a promotional mailing list from the label, so that might come in soon. Especially since it's summer now, a lot of festivals and club parties are flourishing"

"Yeah, you're right. By the way, a few DJs I know have already asked me about playing our track at a club... But before we give them the record of the track... I have a proposition for you," I'm intrigued.

"All ears," I replied with a smile.

"We're having a festival in New York. In a week's time. I'm playing there. Of course, I have plans to present our novelty. And honestly, Max, I think you should be a part of it"

"In what?" I don't understand.

"The festival. The presentation of our work. You and your label put so much effort into this track... So you must be on stage next to me. Moreover, it will be a great opportunity to announce your label in our country and to reach a new level. In the list of participants it will be written, that you are a co-owner of the label "4:00 AM music" It took my breath away. So many questions went through my head at once.

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