Chapter 24

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"Good morning, baby," whispered Max in a sleepy voice and slightly lifted up to walk his hand along my cheek. Mmm ... it is an inexpressible feeling ... to wake up next to the man you love. And to know what you have today... you have tomorrow...

"Kind, beloved..." I mumbled by clutching to it.

"You are so beautiful in the rays of the sun... like an angel..." he walked on my chin with his fingers and bent down, gently kissed me on the lips. I answered... I wanted to dissolve in this moment...

"So good..." I confessed.

"Me too... Want to make breakfast?" Max asked uncertainly. I giggled.

"Let me... " I started to get out of bed.

"Hey, I'm not ready to let you go yet!" he objected and pulled me back to him.

"And don't. I am here. Only I will make oatmeal," I ran my hand over his impressive muscles. I don't want to leave our bed at all, but we will get back to it.

"Are you sure?" he kissed me on the neck. Oh, no...

"Yes, I am sure..." what a lie.

"What about it?" he started massaging my nipple. Oh...

"Yes..." I jumped out of bed, losing my blanket.

"Wow!" he exclaimed. "If I had immediately realized that you would be cooking breakfast in the nude, I would not mind. It's chic..."

I turned around. Max fell apart naked on the bed, absolutely nothing covered. His eyes were watching my every movement, and his eyes were eating. Oh... It was an amazing picture.

His phone rang, and I went to make coffee and oatmeal while my man was solving some important issues related to the label on the phone. I looked at him all the time... Because he was solving these super important questions naked...

When I reached for the yogurt in the fridge, I noticed my drawings attached by magnetists. I froze... He didn't throw them away... it's true... My eyes were moistened...

"What is it, baby?" I heard and felt how Max pinned me on his back.

"You hung my drawings on the fridge... "

"Yes... sorry, maybe this is not the right place... At first they were lying in the table, but then I decided that I wanted to see them all the time," I didn't think at all that this place was not right.

"Thank you..." I turned to it.

"For what?" he was surprised.

"For not throwing them away..."

"I wouldn't dare..." I clung to it. I don't know how long we stood like this...

"Baby, I don't want to interrupt this wonderful moment... But I can't stand it for a long time... hugging you naked... I am a man after all..." he smiled. And I laughed.

"Okay, let's go to breakfast, Man"


Closer to lunch, the doorbell rang, and Max went to open it with surprise.

"You can imagine! In my life, another asshole met! Yesterday in the club I met some businessman, such a decent man seemed to me. Of course, not in the most decent place... But so what? We all have fun here, right? And in the morning it turned out that he was married, can you imagine? I'm shocked! Only I missed married people! Of course, I had no plans for him! God forbid! But to sleep with a married man?! I have not yet fallen so low!" she talked in one breath when she came into the apartment... She... That blonde girl... from the club... I think her name was Violetta... "By the way, hello, sweetie"

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