Chapter 20

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All week after the barbecue, Chad and I had a very nice conversation. We called and exchanged joking SMS. And today we were supposed to meet... it seems to be a date.

That night there was nothing between us. Except, rather, a friendly hug. But with Chad, it was easy. And it really seemed to me that the relationship between us could be... It would be simple and pleasant. Not like with Max. But nothing would be like with Max anymore. So it would be time to forget about him.

Chad is a nice guy. We have mutual friends. He is attractive and cheerful. Maybe we don't have so much in common... But is it important, really?


Today is Mary's birthday... coming home, I started to have little contact with the girls... not because I didn't want to... they just reminded me... of that life in Ukraine... those weeks... But I remembered how much they did for me when Grandma Dee got to the hospital. They are really amazing people, so I tried to keep in touch. And, of course, I couldn't help but congratulate Mary on that day.

"Hi, my good one," I burst out when I called her via video call.

"Hi, I'm so glad to hear from you!" Mary was glowing and looked just gorgeous.

"So, I want to wish you a Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday, dear! You're a terrific person, so I want to make sure that no less terrific things happen to you in this life! Be happy and loved! And most importantly, never lose your lightness and thrill, which you possess!" I sent her some air kisses to her cell.

"Oh, dear, thank you for those words! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! In just a couple of days I will be congratulating you!" Mary was smiling widely. "And by the way, I received your present this morning. When did you get it? I was so happy. The Dior bag is great, you can't buy it from us!"

"I am very, very glad that I was able to please!" I tried my best. Mary is very fond of shopping, cosmetics, famous brands. It seems that I was not mistaken in my choice, hooray.

"Who is it? Who is it? Is that Hannah?" Kate showed up in the frame. "Oh, there she is! Hi! We miss you so much!"

"Hi! I miss you guys so much, too!" I waved to Kate in welcome.

"We are gathered today by our small company at home... to celebrate my Birthday. We decided not to go anywhere. Guys, let's all say hello to Hannah," she turned the camera around and I saw a familiar company.

Dan was sitting next to Kate. Mark was the guy Mary started dating after I got home. Andy, whom I also had a very warm attitude towards. And... Max... oh no... I had dark brown eyes... the ones that turned my head... and then... they sent me a farewell text...

Everybody waved and shouted something at the camera... Everybody... Except for him... He was just staring at me... His lips were slightly ajar... I think he was confused... He was looking at me and I was looking at him... And we didn't say anything... I didn't think I would ever see him again... I didn't understand what I was feeling now...

Soon everyone else also noticed what was going on. And I heard Mary moving fast behind the scenes, and she turned the camera over on herself.

"Oh.... Uh... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... uh... I guess it's better..." someone ripped the phone out of her hands.

"Hi," it was Max. He turned the camera on himself and walked out of the room.

What should I tell him? Hell, maybe you should just pass out.

"Hannah, I'm asking you not to be quiet... No, shit... I understand everything... I have to say it... Just please don't hang up," he was walking back and forth in the room. He was nervous. But how beautiful he was. His hair was perfectly styled with a few knocked out strands... it looked so sexy... black shirt... Man, this man hurt me terribly and I drool on him? Dope!

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