Chapter 23

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I flew to my beloved man... Back... It was hard to believe... When I flew away... I was sure I would never hear his voice again... I couldn't even imagine flying to Granny Dee... because it would be too hard... But everything changed... I'm flying to him. From this thought, the butterflies burst in the soul.

For the first time, our globe seemed to me so huge and so small at the same time. Me and Max were on different continents. In absolutely different lives. We were separated by seas and oceans, mountains and plains, cities and countries... We were out of each other's reach... But on the other hand we were separated only 20 hours. Very soon I will see it and I cannot even imagine what will happen to me....


I was waiting for Hannah at the airport. I arrived 2 hours before her flight... I couldn't wait any longer... Only I was here. Because this time is only for us. Mary, Kate, Dan, Mark and Andy wanted to come, but I asked them to leave this time for us. We will still have time to meet with them. Grandma Dee is not here either, Hannah told her she was flying in tomorrow, not today. It is only our day... And I was terribly nervous.

This is my Hannah... I know... Everything just has to be perfect. I couldn't screw it up anymore. Her return is a huge gift of fate and only a moron will ruin everything.

I thought I would surprise her or at least take her out to dinner somewhere... But then I realized that she would be too tired... and I don't want to share her with anyone. I just want to hug her and never let her go again. Never again.

When the flight on the scoreboard came out, my heart was racing. I couldn't even imagine that I would ever wait... to love so much...


It happened. My girl appeared in my sight. She was beautiful. All my memories put together will not be equal to this... her presence... Her hair was taken in a lush bundle and a light blush played on her cheeks... Even from the road she was gorgeous... I stood with my mouth open when her eyes noticed me...

She stopped ... and for a while we just stood and looked at each other at a distance ... Hell, I hope she won't run to buy a ticket for the next flight back now ... No ... her eyes shone, she smiled ... how I love this smile ... so sincere ... and headed a quick step towards me.

I ran towards her and without hesitation took her in my arms. Damn... she smelled like the happiest sunny day... her skin was so soft and her touches so sensual... We stood silently... She stuck her sweet nose in my chest... I don't know how long we stood like that... I didn't care. The main thing is that she is here...

Finally, she pulled away a little, and there were tears in her eyes...

"Hey, baby..." I wiped her tears with my thumb. "Hey... Is it that bad? You're not happy to see me?"

"Hi..." she laughed and gently kicked me in the shoulder. "No... too glad... I can't believe it... it's probably a dream..."

"In your dreams, we usually end up naked," I supported her. "As you can see, we behave decently, which means it's not a dream"

It is filled with laughter and blush.

"I'm sorry... that I look like that... a tracksuit... just for a flight with transplants is the most comfortable option... and I know you don't like my bundle..." she looked at herself confusedly. What is this girl carrying? Did she see herself at all? How do you knock that stuff out of her pretty head?

"Uh... what? Hannah, are you serious? You look great. I don't even care about this costume. And who told you that I don't like your bundle?! Yes, I was joking at it... but that's why I was joking, because it's awfully cute... you know? It's important to me that you're here! This is the most important thing! So just stand here in sheep's skin, I don't care at all," I smiled and she was embarrassed.

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