Chapter 22

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The day of the exhibition was coming, and I was very much worried. Every day more and more. Of course, I still dreamed about it and was very happy about it... But the problem was that except for my close people and Mr. Adams no one else had ever seen my works... And how it turned out to be very scary to show them to anyone else... Thousands of people will be able to see my work... And it worried me.

I know that Mr. Adams' friend Richard approved the painting... But I was still worried that she might not like it... That she was not talented enough... And this work was also very personal... And I should have told Max about it...

"What are you thinking about, baby?" Max was looking at me carefully. We called for a whole week every evening.

"About tomorrow's exhibition..." I took a quiet breath. "When I think about it, I start to feel nauseous..."

"Mine is good, you have nothing to worry about. It wasn't just taken away, do you understand that? Moreover, painting is an art. It is not of the category "like or dislike". It's more than that," he said.

"Since when did you become so good at painting?" I smiled.

"Since I got a very gifted girl," he winked.

"By the way, about that... The thing is that I didn't paint this painting from scratch... I was inspired by something..." oh...

"What is it?" Max asked with curiosity.

"Let me just send it to you..."


For a while Max was carefully examining the image on his phone. Sometimes he frowned on his forehead and then smiled... I was beginning to worry about his mood swings... I couldn't stand it and fell out...

"I know it's very personal... Your tattoo... It means a lot to you... It always delighted me and was associated with you... So when we broke up... I felt bad... And I drew it... But it seemed to me too iridescent... At that time I felt different... I drew tears and broke my heart... I'm sorry..."

"Hey, come on! This is a great job! Of course, I'm not ready yet for everyone to know what inspired you... But I think about it and they won't know. At least not so soon. Otherwise, everything is fine," he smiled. "You know, that's how I felt without you... I really didn't believe that I was worthy of love anymore... because all I could do was hurt... And I could never imagine that I wasn't in love with you... but I knew that you wouldn't forgive me..."

"Well, you were wrong... I forgave you almost immediately... I didn't understand your act... But I couldn't be angry with you because the feeling of love in me was stronger. I was mad at myself that I could not forget you... These thoughts kept me from living..." It was not easy to remember...

"I don't want to see this pain in your eyes... Forgive me... I don't know what I did to get another chance... But I won't miss it, believe me," Max's eyes were filled with hope.

"I know, I know..."

"Whatever it is... In sorrow or in joy... Even when we hurt... We still inspire each other... It's amazing," yes, we fit together.

"You know, Dad is not so angry anymore because we resumed communication... It seems to be progress," I smiled. I wanted my dad to understand what a decent man Max really is.

"I was surprised that he remained lenient at all. Still, I broke the promise I gave him... But, I do not feel guilty. Because it was a mistake. I failed you when I gave him a promise. I have failed us. And I have ruined everything," Max shrugged his shoulders.

"Yes... but I hope one day you will find common ground..."

"Maybe one day..." it seems that Max did not believe in these words himself. "So, I don't like your mood. I think you need to relax a little"

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