Chapter 30

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This day has come. Today I fly to my girl. Today I am changing my life completely. Changing our life. We have a future. My label has a future in America. Everything seems to be coming together in a way that I couldn't even imagine. Today everything is going to change.

Jace sent me a message last night that tomorrow afternoon he would like to meet me and the organizers at the festival location. We need to discuss some things with the sound. So early in the morning I left for the airport to change my tickets for an earlier flight. It was even better that way. I decided not to tell Hannah, I'm arriving early anyway, not later. Jace would meet me, and I could surprise her. I smiled like a fool all morning at the thought.


I went to Grandma Dee's house a few hours before my flight to thank her again for all she had done for me and Hannah. If it wasn't for her faith...maybe all of this wouldn't have happened...

"Hello, my good man. How unexpected! Thank you!" She exclaimed when I handed her the bouquet of flowers. I do not know, I just wanted to do her a favor. She kissed me on the cheek and hugged me.

"Hello, how are you? How are you doing?" I asked.

"Thanks for asking. You know, it's like old people... their health is bad, but I don't like to complain," she smiled.

"I hope you're feeling as well as you can... as much as possible..."

"Never mind, darling. Tell me, how are you... Are you going to Hannah's today?" Grandma D. asked.

"Yeah... you probably don't know the latest... I'm moving to New York... Mr. Bell offered to get me a work visa..." I tried to be cool, but I'm sure Grandma Dee saw it... I was the happiest man in the fucking world.

"Wow... How unexpected! So Derek came to his senses after all. Congratulations to you! You and Hannah. That's amazing!" She hugged me again.

"Thank you... You know, if it wasn't for you... Your faith in us has helped us in moments when we didn't believe in ourselves... It's so invaluable to Hannah and me... you can't even imagine," I never thought I would be grateful to have some old lady in my life... But I was grateful for Grandma Dee. She is a huge gift.

"I'm so glad I could help in any way... Only now I won't be around... So, my good ones, have faith in your love... And never forget how incredible your story is!" Granny D cried a tear.


There was one more person I wanted to visit before I left... Violetta. I know Hannah wouldn't have been thrilled, but I'll explain to her why I did it... Yes, I made a mistake with Violetta. But we weren't bad friends for a while, and she really helped me... I couldn't leave without saying goodbye...

"Wow, what people!" Violetta hissed as she opened the door of her apartment. "Come on in"

"Hi," I stumbled over the scattered stuff. "Would you like to clean up in here?"

"That's what I do!" She laughed.

"Well, well," I smiled. "I came to say good-bye"

"I wondered why you came. Did Hannah let you go..."

"Hannah's in America. That's not the point. I can go wherever I want, whoever I want. But you and I made a mistake. And Hannah knows that. She's not gonna feel any better about us continuing to be friends..."

"For the record, you made a mistake. I didn't, I just wanted to have fun," she replied cheerfully. "So why did you come, since it might upset Hannah?"

"I'm leaving for America today. For good. To Hannah. And to new prospects for my label"

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