2. The Briefing Room

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It was a couple hours before Eric King had finally arrived. In the meantime you had spent your evening with Rachel, you two had much to talk about. She even shared with you that the Colonel was in fact her husband, which answered your bewilderment from earlier.
"Rachel, it's good to see you". Eric had greeted her beside you. You moved to his side and beside Clarice, your best friend.

"I didn't know you were coming too". You smiled at her.
"And miss what you and Colonel have been working on for the past year? No way". She smiled back to you, and embraced you in a hug.

Hugging back, you released and turned to Eric. Clarice went to her laptop to transmute the presentation on the screen.

"This is it". He smiled to you, and pulled you into a hug as well.
"This is it". You repeated, sighing a breath of relief. The marines were gathering now as you all took place in front of the screen. You saw Jason hand something to Rachel.

"This is from SOC Central, it confirms that Lieutenant Colonel King has assumed control of this operation". Then stepping back, and her face dropped as she read the paper that was handed to her. She glared at Eric before speaking. Confused, you were answered with the next words out of Eric's mouth.

"I'm sorry Rache, I didn't mean for you to find out like this, but CENTCOM has their orders. I am sorry". He apologized.

"Somehow I doubt that very much". She responded. This was interrupted by Clarice.

"I'm going to need access to your network". Rachel turned to her. You could still see the stunned expression on her face yet she complied.
"I'll pass you through. Name?"

"Dr. Stokes. But you can just call me Clarice". She answered with, and went back to the laptop.
"Dr. Stokes please prepare the presentation". Eric said to her. You all turned your attention to the screen.

"The fuck is that? Modern art or something?" Merwin crossed his arms. You stood on the other side of the screen, Eric opposite from you.
Ignoring him, Eric continued to speak.

"This is footage from the highly classified Caelus program that Y/N and I have developed together through space technology and satellite".

"Is that supposed to mean something to me?" Merwin answered. You had been quiet this whole time but you were just itching to send a remark back to him. You didn't spend the last year of your life working on something to be disrespected by it. Eric glanced to you before nodding his head allowing you to speak. Putting your hands behind your back you turned your attention to him.
"You behave like this in all of your briefings corporal?" You questioned him.

Jason stepped toward and turned his attention to Colonel King.
"Boys are just eager to take a break sir. No harm meant". He said to him, completely ignoring that it was you who made the comment.
Wow this guy is a class A jackass. He isn't even addressing me. You went to speak before you were interrupted by Eric himself.

"Very well. Satellite sweeps of the war zone have uncovered what appears to be a underground storage facility". Pausing, he continued.
"This of course will need further inspection, but I strongly suspect it's where Saddams chemical weapons are hidden". Nick fist bumped with Joey.

"We got you, you son of a bitch". Jason exclaimed. You watched him look up in relief before you decided you were going to speak now.

"CENTCOM has given the green light to raid the facility and seize and weapons on site. They could deploy those weapons and any time so we need to move fast". You commented. Eric nodded to you before speaking once more.

"The air force is giving us a ride out to there in their helos. On arrival, Lieutenant Kolchek will lead the raid on the facility. Once it's secured we'll carry out a full weapon inspection".
"Now listen up, there's been a change of leadership, but Rachel's operational expertise and local knowledge is just as valuable as ever. She'll be flying with us, as will Dr. Stokes and Sgt. Dutton, and I want you all to show them the same respect. Any questions?" He finished.

"What the fuck are we waiting for? I'm ready". Merwin nodded. You watched him.

"That's tribal territory out there, Colonel. Make no mistake, those people are feral. I take it we're getting air support?" Jason said.

"Nah, too many birds will bring them down on us, we move fast in, fast out". Merwin answered for the Colonel.

"That's pretty much what your momma said to me". Joey remarked. You widened your eyes at this, not expecting Joey to make such a remark.
"Hey careful boy. If I didn't pull out fast enough I could've been your papi". The two high-fived.

"Alright that's enough Merwin. Sir, what's your call?" Kolchek stopped them. This surprised you. You didn't actually expect the hotshot to be mature about something nor maintain his men.
"I'll put in a request for air support to be on standby". He answered.

"Our birds can fly low under the radar, the site is in the Zargos mountains. We'll have plenty of cover". Rachel added.
"We go dark until weapons are secured. If we don't break radio silence within 24 hours CENTCOM will mount a rescue operation". Eric had stated. 

"A lot of shit can go down in 24 hours". Joey had inputed. You couldn't help but notice the concern on the corporals face. You also couldn't help that his concern was kinda rubbing off on you.
"Aw come on quit being a bitch". Merwin pushed him in the shoulder.
"I'm just saying, that's all". He replied, he met eyes with you as if he knew you two were both sharing the same concern. I mean if a marine was worried then you had every right to, right? After all, you never fought in combat before like these men had.

"This is why we went to war. Make no mistake ladies and gentlemen, this is how we stop Saddam from using these weapons. Be ready in one hour. Dismissed". The Lieutenant Colonel had dismissed you.

You had began to walk away, but Joey had stopped you.
"I don't know this doesn't feel right. I'm getting this tingle down the back of my neck". He accompanied you.

"Come on marine, that's no way to worry the lady here". Merwin almost appeared out of nowhere. You in fact didn't want to be in this conversation even if you had the same thoughts as Joey. You would've rather been with Clarice downloading the latest satellite data and catching up. You could see Eric and Rachel talking to each other from behind. Lieutenant Kolchek and Nick, feet away.
"I'm serious, I've got a real bad feeling about this". He shouted, not loud enough for the married couple to hear but loud enough for Nick and Jason to walk over to us.

"That's what you get for spending too much time with Eric". You spoke of your lieutenant colonel. Which was true. You loved working with Eric for the most part. But you did know his passion for what he was doing would sometime reach to great lengths.

"Is there anything you can do?" Joey asked you. You humphed in a laugh.
"Ha nope, I suggest you keep your head level and be ready for anything". You spoke.

"What we need all this shit for anyways?" Merwin suggested to the equipment on the table.
"We need to be prepared. The facility is underground possibly under construction. It's safer this way". You assured him. He stepped up close to you with an awful look on his face that you didn't like.
"You want me to feel safe? You get us some more shooters". This irked you. You glared up at him through your sunglasses.
"Tell me corporal, are you afraid of heights?" You stated. He let out a small laugh at you. Nick seemed to let out a small snicker as well, but to your surprise it sounded a little like laughing at your comment. Merwin stepped in your face.
"Please! I'm force recon. I've trained in high-altitude, low opening parachute jumps. Hostile conditions that would make most men wake up screaming for their momma. What does a Sergeant in the space force know about any of that". He firmly stated growling, and looking all over your face. You could start to feel a little heat on your body, as the four of them were watching this scene play out. Jason put a hand on Merwins shoulder as if to pull him back. He stepped back a moment.

"You paint quite the picture. I hope you're more than just mouth marine". You finished, and began to walk away. You knew if you were going out there you were going to need a change of clothes, and you knew you would have to be prepared for anything.

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