25. The Explosion

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Pressing your foot to the ground lightly, you and Salim had reached the bottom floor. Slowly approaching forward. Your AK in your right hand, a pack of dynamite gripped in your left. The remaining of the dynamite Jason and Nick had stuffed in your pack before you headed to the bottom surface.

The UV wand stuffed into your left cargo pants pocket. You were prepared. Or at least you felt like you were. Salim walked quietly behind you, or as quiet as he could for a man his size.

"Go left". Jason's words told you in your ear. Your piece of shit headset was working for once.

So you went left. Upon going left you learned one of the cocoons on the right was hatching open.

You had reached the front of the egg without pulling any attention.

"Cover me". You said quietly to Salim, turning your back to him and focusing on deploying the dynamite. The very old dynamite Jason had stuck in his pack. Who the hell even knew if it would go off? Finishing up, you sat your pack down grabbing more dynamite. Pain in your shoulder as you bent down you noticed blood trickle to the ground in front of you. Upon this, a screech sounded near you and Salim.

You pulled Salim up against an empty cocoon as a vampire walked past you. You breathed slowly attempting as little movement as possible. And so did the Iraqi beside you. Eventually the vampire passed, causing you to move again. You started toward a spot a few feet from the one you just deployed.

Salim nudged your shoulder as you looked back at him slowly. He pointed up, to where you found dozens of vampires flying, around the large nest of cocoons. Widening your eyes at this you whispered to him.

"We need to most fast".

"Y/N, you both need to get out of there. They're hatching by the shitload on the bottom floor". Jason's voice told you worrisome, as you just finished deploying the second dynamite.

Another close in counter with a vampire stopped you in your tracks, causing Salim and you to preform another breathing exercise before you deployed the third set of dynamite....

An even bigger mound of cocoons stopped you and Salim in your tracks.

"There is another mound of cocoons, I think Salim and I can reach it. Over". You whispered to Jason through the headset.

"No sergeant, you need to come back now. Over". He told you.

"Lets go". You told Salim, beginning toward the bigger nest of cocoons. Salim didn't argue with you, but he had a bad feeling about this. He admired your bravery, but he couldn't help but realize the two of you were going further away from the others.

Once reaching the bigger nest, having to stop once along the way due to a cocoon hatching on the surface floor, you bent down and began to deploy another pack of dynamite. Beginning to move to the other side you stopped in your tracks as a vampire stood in front of you. Stepping back slowly, it eased up on you calmly, before finally letting out a screech, getting multiple of the vampires attention.

You began to walk with Salim, slowly back to the way you came. The vampires slowly easing in, following you from all sides. Until one dropped in front of you. You were now trapped. You looked at Salim who had the same fear in his eyes that you did. There was absolutely nothing you could do. You were surrounded and definitely out numbered.

"Salim. It was a pleasure knowing you". You gulped beside him. Even Salim knew that you were out numbered and fighting them would just result into an even more messier death.

"Thank you Y/N. For giving me a chance". He thanked you, accepting that the both of you were going to die to these heartless creatures.

"Push the button". You told into your headset, demanding Jason. There was no answer as you repeated what you said. "Push the goddamn button. Over". You said louder this time. The one in front of you was just feet from you now. You took the flare gun from your pocket. Pointing it up, you squeezed the trigger slowly, shutting your eyes as you did so.

"Look, the flare!" Rachel pointed to the bright orange light that lit up the sky. Jasons heart dropped as he had been trying to get in contact with you ever since you started towards the bigger mound. Everyone was silent as they knew what was going to happen.

Jason clutched the detonator close to him. Nick placed a hand on the Lieutenants shoulder as he noticed he still hadn't moved.

"Hand it to me". He told Jason lightly, taking it from him. Jason stared at the floor below them, tears almost swelling in his eyes. He wanted to go down there and save you. But the vampires were everywhere now.

He was going to lose you. And that broke him.

Nick held the detonator for a moment, before finally pushing the button.

The gigantic explosion began on both of the mounds. Fire took up quickly as the cocoons were being engulfed in the flames. Vampires swirling above were knocked from the air, vampires hatching above were caught into the explosion. It was safe to say that each explosion had destroyed a lot. Including you and Salim.

The group watched in horror as this happened. They couldn't even feel relieved that their plan had worked. All they felt was pity. They just lost their friend. And to Jason, he just lost two.

"We need to get out of here". Rachel spoke at the silence among the group. Nick and Eric had gotten to their feet now, where as Jason remained in his same position.

"Lieutenant Kolchek. We need to move". Eric told him with remorse in his voice. He couldn't help but think of how he treated his sergeant in her final hour.

"I never even got to say I fuckin' loved her". Jason said abruptly. Causing a bit of surprise from the group. Nick placed his hand in front of Jason, pulling him up.

"I'm sorry man". He told him. The group had began to walk away as Jason took one last glance back where you and Salim had heroically died.

Eric stopped and gripped his earpiece, causing everyone else to stop.

"We need some help...". Your voice whimpered through his headset.

"What is it Colonel King?" Rachel asked him. He turned to Jason.

"It's Y/N! She's alive and needs our help!" He replied with mere excitement.

"Confirm your position. Over". Eric spoke back to you.

"We're 200 meters from the door. I'm injured, I need help. Salim... Salim isn't moving". You managed to finish your sentence, coughing up the smoke you were in hailing.

"We're on our way". Eric responded.

"Looks like you get a second chance to tell her marine". He told Jason.

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