26. Not Dead Yet

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You crawled to Salim, who wasn't moving in front of you. You had certainly gotten the breath took from you as you called for a lifeless Salim in front of you.

"Salim. Are you with me?" You asked, coughing as you pulled your weak body on your elbows toward the father. Reaching him finally, you looked over him. His chest rose and dropped slowly.

"Salim please! We have to get out of here!" You whispered through tears, patting his cheek softly. You were getting no response from the Iraqi.
"Salim, wake up!"

"Come on!" You shouted, slamming your fists into his chest hard. A pull from behind stopped you from delivering another blow to him as a figure was picking you up by your back. You squirmed until the hands wrapped around your throat, and you came face to face with the figure.

A half man-half skeleton held you in the air as your feet dangled. A helmet on his head, looking as ancient as the man you once found. Grasping for air you attempted punching the air toward the figure but you were just short.

Remembering the scissors you had picked up, you barely grabbed them from your cargo pants and you drove it into the skeletons shoulder, with no success in releasing any pressure on your wind pipe.

You were struggling for air now as your head became light. Your feet that were helplessly kicking, had became still now. The tight hands on your air pipe had disrupted the flow of air to your lungs. Coughing for air, your vision began to blur into waves. You began to hear ringing in your ears as well as the voice illusions of your comrades.

"I told you it was going to go wrong out here". Joeys voice echoed through your head, the same sentence he had told you in his final moments.

Your eyes began to shut, and then your body felt a hard THUD as you were dropped from the distance the man had held you. Salim had drove his metal pipe into the back of the skeleton, saving you once more. Salim collapsed onto his knees beside you afterwards weakly. The both of you were just gripping onto life now in this inferno.

As if on que, the squad had ran up to the two of you.

"What happened?" Jason panicked, pulling you into his arms observing the red marks around your neck.

"The explosion. It knocked me out. When I woke up, that thing had Y/N in the air. Choking her. It could've crushed a wind pipe". He panicked looking to Jason and pointing at the ancient soldier he had just killed.

"That's the same thing that was chasing us. Is she alive?" Rachel asked from behind. Jason scooped you into his arms bridal style, standing up without answering her question.

"We need to get back up there, away from here". He demanded the group. The group took off. Jason looking down at your weak body every once in awhile. Assuring you were still breathing.

Once reaching the surface where you once were, Jason stopped when he noticed your chest wasn't falling anymore, also noticing your injury was bleeding once more. He placed you down.

"Wait!" He cried to the others, who stopped and came to his aid immediately.

"She's... She... She stopped breathing". He froze, shaking your body. He placed his head to your chest in hope of finding a heartbeat.

"She needs oxygen. I need to give her CPR. Please stay with me". He told the group, looking without hope in his eyes. Salim came to his side immediately as the others stood before.

Jason began with chest compressions, trying to keep his panic to a minimal. Going up and down on your chest it seemed like nothing was awaking you. Tears gripped in his eyes even stronger than before.

Jason titled your head back now, lifting your chin and opening your mouth. Pinching your nostrils he placed his mouth on yours, sealing your lips together to prevent any air loss, and blew air into your lungs. He preformed more chest compressions and then placed his mouth over yours once more.

What he had been wanting to do but not like this.

Breathing air into your lungs again, and then sitting back on his heels. There was still no rise or fall in your body. Everyone watched terrified.

"Jason. She's not with us anymore". Eric spoke up quietly. As if told, you coughed suddenly, opening your eyes slowly to a marine looking over you. A huge grin appeared over his face once more, those strong dimples being the first thing you noticed. He realized you were, in fact, still with them.

"Y/N!" Jason cried, cupping your face in his hands.

"Dear lord please tell me you didn't kiss me". You mumbled to him. Only laughing, he pulled you into his arms tightly.

"You're alive. I thought we lost you". Jason spoke with his face buried into your neck.

"Yeah well, I'm here". You laughed, coughing up some more smoke you had inhaled, pulling away from Jason's hug. He looked deeply into your eyes as you returned the gaze, bringing it to his lips.

And then he kissed you.

He finally did what he wanted to do since he met you.

Your lips crashed against his, as you widened your eyes at him in surprise, with his own eyes closed. It took you a moment to register but you kissed back, passionately, feeling the warmth of the Lieutenants lips against yours. You were finally having the moment with the Lieutenant you also craved so desperately. It was like the world stopped turning in this moment, that was until Nick spoke up.

"Ahem". Nick interrupted the two of you. Breaking away, you turned to him. Wiping your mouth in embarrassment.

"I believe we should, you know, get going? Before we, you know, get eaten alive?" He pointed toward the exit. Jason stood up quickly, bringing you up with him, not as embarrassed now.

"Lets haul ass!" He shouted, as everyone began toward the row of cocoons you had set off earlier.

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