30. CENTCOM (Final Part)

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You sat in the dust over your fallen Colonel. Trembling as the man you knew for so long was now no more. The vampires were fleeing from the sunshine peaking through now, but you didn't care.

You lost yet another person you loved. The sound of helicopters were nearing in the distance as well as the world became quiet– except for the footsteps approaching you. Looking to them, you saw Rachel fall to her knees at the sight of her dead husband, screaming as Nick held her.

Jason stood feet from you with Salim. Mumbling something. Jason wasn't the biggest fan of the colonel but he knew you cared about him, despite the dick he came off as. He was unclear what to do in the situation, before Salim walked forward and bent down beside you.

You felt Salims presence shift beside you but your eyes never once left Eric's lifeless body.

"Y/N I'm sorry. He was a good leader". He spoke, hoping to get some type of response from you. But you were cold.

The sound of choppers had touched the ground now. Salim getting to his feet, and giving Jason a head shake signaling he didn't get anything from you. Salim regrouped with Nick and Rachel, helping to carry a emotional Rachel into the helicopter.

Jasons hand touched your shoulder, softly this time.

"Y/N, we gotta go". He choked. You ignored this as your body was still numb. You wanted to stay with Eric incase he would come back. But there was no rise or fall in his chest. It was silly to think such a thing but after what you'd been through, not impossible.

Jason shook your shoulder this time, pulling you up. Finally agreeing, you walked with him to the helicopter. The tears that sat in your eyes burned with the wind. Jasons arm around you was taken away once climbed into the helicopter, then helping you into it.

"I'm telling you, this whole thing? Fucked up. If you don't believe me go back and see it for your goddamn self!" Jasons voice shouted through the walls before you. The CENTCOM officer noticed your tense at his voice before the officer spoke again.

"Mrs. Dutton, can you please describe what you saw?" He asked you calmly. You shook your head before speaking. Relieved to finally be somewhere safe but irritated at the people before you— treating the situation as a joke.

"I, I don't know. It was almost a vampire. Sharp teeth, unresistable to sunlight. Everything happened so fast. They had wings, wings! They wanted to tear us all apart". You spoke quietly. You noticed that you were trembling now. It was quiet for a moment as the officer before you was writing in the notepad he had of what you spoke.

"And Lieutenant Colonel Eric King?" He looked up to you. Freezing, you paused as everything came flushing back into your memory.

"He's dead". You stated coldly.

GUYS LMFAO I HAVENT UPDATED THIS STORY IN FOREVER I DONT KNOW HOW TO END THIS BUT THIS IS HOW IM ENDING IT BECAUSE I LOST MOTIVATION I JUST ASSUMED ID CLEAN IT OUT. IM SORRY. Thank you all for the support this story grew bigger than I ever could of imagined! I appreciate you all so much. Follow me on Instagram! @herroscourt!! The Quarry just came out and i'm stuck on it! Might write a The Quarry fanfic!

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