24. The Motherload

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The group had traveled past where Jason, Salim and you were headed, stopping at the edge of the cliff where the giant egg sack towered into the sky above you.

"Holy shit". You murmured taken aback by the large structure.

"This is their lair". Salim whispered to your group.

There were vampires swirling around the egg structure. Made up out of their very own cocoons. Salim took the binoculars he had in his satchel and looked through them.

"There are dozens of them". He said under his breath. Jason snatched the binoculars from him and looked for himself. He mumbled something under his breath as well but you didn't catch it as you were busy getting to your feet. Your collarbone and the blood had gotten your attention once more.

Walking to Salim, you pulled the remaining bandages from the satchel on his back and began to patch yourself up.

Everyone was focused on the gigantic cocoon nest in front of you. Everyone except Eric. He watched you fix what he had tore off.

"Sergeant Dutton. I'm sorry". He stated, but there was no sound of remorse in his voice. You glared up at him with the gauze in your teeth to pull it tightly against your collarbone as you began to wrap. You said nothing to the Colonel except for your glare, which said everything you couldn't.

This caught Jason's attention as he came to help you once more. It was obvious you were struggling to wrap it by yourself. Besides he wasn't going to pass up the chance to touch you once more.

It was quiet as he was patching you up. You shook your head, nearly laughing. "What an asshole". You muttered, earning a chuckle from the marine himself.

"Now you're agreein' with me ma'am?" You laughed at his response. Ma'am. That was kinda cute.

"This is the last of what we have, you sure your abdomen is still fine?" You asked him, curious on how the Lieutenant was doing. He smirked before plucking up his shirt for you to see. You could see it was all still in fact together. You stared as your eyes traced further up before Jason caught your gaze.

"You want me to put my shirt back down now? Orrrr...?" He said nervously. You shook your head and mindlessly and apologized.

"Looks like I win then. You've had to patch me up twice, I've only patched you up once. Score one for Y/N". You told him, sashaying back to the group. He watched you walk from him, your smaller figure moving back to the others. He blinked slowly before joining you.

He was puppy-dog in love with you. And even he knew it now.

"Those mounds are made of cocoons. If we set the charges there, they'll all burn". Salim told Jason and you upon returning. "They're hatching". he added, pulling the binoculars from his face and handing them to you. You looked through them and saw on the floor they were indeed hatching.

"We have to move quick". You said, handing the binoculars to Jason as he observed, then he passed them to Eric.

"We plant those charges on as many of those clusters are possible, then detonate them remotely". Jason ordered everyone. You nodded in agreement. "Second those charges go off, we haul ass to the exit. If luck is on our side we'll do more than kill a bunch of vampires, we'll create a diversion".

"If we die here at least we will take some of those bastards down with us". Rachel added to Jason.

"Okay... Who is going to place the dynamite?" Salim questioned. It was silent between you all. It was clear no one wanted to place the dynamite. You finally spoke up.

"Fuck it, I will".  You stated.

"Absolutely not". Jason stopped you with a hand on your chest.

"Listen, I'm small, fast, and quiet. I'll be down there and back out in no time". You told him, only getting another no.

"You are crazy. We will all do it together". Salim added in.

"No, the more of us down there the more attention we'll grab". You responded to him. It quiet for a moment before Salim spoke up.

"Y/N, and I will go down there together and place the dynamite. I will let nothing happen to her". Salim told Jason now, reassuring him that you would have some type of help.

"Here me out. If we don't make it-" You started before Jason cut you off.

"Y/N!" He shouted attempting to change your mind.

"If we don't make it, blow the charges". You ignored him.

"I'm not going to let you go down there". He hissed at you.

"Lieutenant Kolchek. She's the best option we have". Eric spoke from behind. You nodded. The wheels were turning in Jason's head, aware that you had already made your mind up.

"Every step of the way, you keep radio contact". He demanded you. You nodded before pressing the button on your radio to make sure it was working.

"And if there's no radio signal?" Rachel asked.

"Then I'll pop a flare". You told them. Nick took off his backpack and handed you a flare gun. Thanking him, you got to your feet as Salim did the same.

"If you see this go up, hit that detonator". You waved the flare in your hands before shoving it into your cargo pants pocket.

"Be quick and safe". Jason told you, not keeping his eyes from yours. He wanted to give you a hug or maybe even kiss you, but not in front of everyone else. Just in case you didn't come back.

Eric handed you the UV wand. "You'll need this". He spoke, grabbing your arm and squeezing it. You thanked him before Rachel pulled you into a quick light hug.

"You've got this Y/N". She told you by your ear. Salim was waiting for you on the ready. Taking one last look at Jason, whose eyebrows were furrowed, terrified for your safety. He had to admit he knew Salim would do his best to protect you, but he couldn't help but worry. You turned to Salim meeting his side.

Taking in a deep breath, you gripped the AK in your hands a little bit harder. The tall black haired man beside you breathed in as well.

"Lets go kick some vampire ass!" You told him, jumping from the ledge.

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