14. The Attack

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The bombs Nick and Jason had set through the walkway had went off as the demons were jumping on the pillars, killing some by setting them on fire but you were still being chased. You came to a large room you hadn't been in yet.

Tunnels in the walls, another statue and a dirt floor. You were all together now, bearing your weapons and ready to fight. The creatures began to come from the walls. You were surrounded by so many of these things. Jason standing beside you, he was not going to leave your side. Not while you're in this state he wasn't. The things began to jump and fly at each and every one of you, attempting to eliminate you and split you apart. Jason giving the M14 back to Dar. Him and Salim began to shoot, their backs together. They could only trust each other.

A demon swooped down on Dar, landing on his head as he screamed mercilessly. The motion of the wings knocking Salim over. Getting to his feet he realized his captain was now being crushed as the claws of the demon absolutely crushing his head, then yanking it from his shoulders, blood pouring everywhere. Salims heart beat rapidly at such a gruesome scene quickly grabbing Dars automatic opposed to his own pistol. The demon that just killed Dar was now ready to feed on Salim. Shooting, Salim remembered the metal pole on his back. Taking it out quickly and digging it into the heart of the creature, pulling out with such force to almost knock himself backwards.

You felt hands push you aside and into the dirt onto your stomach. Jason had pushed you out of the way as a demon came flying down on him, gripping him and then dragging him down a far tunnel.

"Jason!" You cried, getting to your feet. Pain shot through your body from the injury on your collarbone. You ran after the Lieutenant without a second thought. Shooting in the direction the demon had just took him as another demon began to chase towards you. Salim noticed this. He took one look around at the rest of your comrades, and then began after you. With his Captain now dead, he knew only you he could trust. He ran to you.

"Y/N!" He shouted, you turned around to be greeted with a demon knocking you over, knocking the AK from your hands. You squirmed in its grasp, keeping it away from your face the best you could. Salim ran up, stabbing the thing in the back. The mental pole went all the way through and came just inches to your face. He pulled the demon off of you and helped you to your feet.

"One of those things took Jason!" You cried to him, pointing down the dark alley as you bent down to pick up your AK. Salim nodded as the two of you began down the alley quickly, away from the rest of the group. You could only hope they would make it out of there and you would regroup. But you knew you needed Jason.

Salim and you began to slow down as Jason was still not in sight. It was an awkward quietness between the two of you. You felt backstabbed by the Iraqi. And you had nothing to say to him. Even if he just saved your life, again. You were now in a part of the temple you had not yet explored. It was a little too dark for your liking. The LED light on your headset only transmitted enough light to see close in front of you.

"Lieutenant Kolchek? Do you copy?" You spoke into your mic. Silence. "Jason please do you hear me? Over". You panicked. You just lost Clarice, you couldn't lose him too.

"Your friend is stubborn". Salim spoke. You looked at him wondering where the hell he was going with that comment. "I am certain he is fine". He reassured you. You couldn't help but feel for the Iraqi who walked beside you. But you remembered Merwin drop dead beside you. And Clarice.

"Why did you attack us at the radio?". You demanded from him.

"I told my Captain not to shoot. He shot still". He answered you. "I told him we would die if we attacked you. And look where he is at now". Salim gulped at his words.

"I'm sorry". You told him. Even though you weren't. He was an asshole and he killed Clarice. But you were certain Salim didn't ask for this.

"No you're not". He responded, looking at you and observing your tone. Huffing, you pointed your attention back down the tunnel.

"Y/N. I do not want this. I did not want any of this". He explained himself. "I thought when I saved you that we would get along, but it seems your people do not like me very much. I did not want to attack you at the farm above us. I did not want Dar to shoot that American messing with that radio. I did not want Dar to shoot that poor woman". He finished. You could hear the guilt in his voice like he truly meant it. You understood this though. Orders were orders. And hearing that his superior shot Merwin and not himself, eased you a bit.

"He was going to kill me if I didn't do what he said". You nodded to him, understanding even though you were still incredibly upset.

"Clarice. The woman's name was Clarice Stokes. The man your Captain killed, his name was Nathan Merwin". You responded to his apology. This jabbed at Salim, making him feel even more guilty.

"I am sorry Y/N" He stopped walking suddenly. You stopped as well and studied him. He had such a sad look on his face. His attention once again on your collarbone.

"How is it doing?" He switched the subject.

"To be honest, it hurts like a bitch, Jason pushed me to the ground out of the way and I fell on it". You said, letting a small laugh escape you. He shared a small smile. You stood there before realizing you were actually grateful he was here with you.

"Salim. I'm glad you're here". You told him, walking closer to him and giving him a hug. You really were glad he was here. Not just because he saved your life again, but you were glad he was alive. When he told you about his son your heart broke. Nick was absolutely right, not all of these people were the enemy.

Salim hugged you back, you rested your chin on his shoulder. The compassionate Iraqi was glad you were here too. You were the only person willing to give him a chance and to have a level head. He felt so bad for this woman. She had been through hell. He knew he would have to do everything to keep you safe.

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