27. Semper Fi!

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Running through the maze of cocoons, the vampires were gaining on behind you now. Jason ran beside your weak body to assure you wouldn't fall behind. Unaware that Salim was the one falling behind.

Finally reaching the platform and pulling yourself up, everyone was regrouped. Everyone but Salim.

"Where the hell is Salim?" You questioned everyone. Not getting any answer because they weren't sure either.

"Over there!" You pointed to vampires that seemed to have their attention on something.

"Salim, come in man. Are you there?" Jason spoke into his mic. You looked at Jason with worry, as the marine seemed to be worried himself.

"I am surrounded! I'm in real trouble here. Vampires, so many vampires". Your heart dropped at his response.

"We have to go help him". You told everyone.

"We go back there, we all die with him". Nick told you.

"He's a dead man, we need to go". The Colonel told the group, as he began to walk away. Nick and Rachel following him. You stood there with Jason, observing the ground below Salim was so helplessly trapped on. The colonel noticed you were stationary and walked back to you with his pistol lowered.

"That man is not one of us". He hissed at the both of you.

"You're wrong. Salim is one of us now. Marines don't leave their own behind". He corrected the Colonel, earning a huff from him. You smiled at this, knowing Jason was on the same page as you. That the First Lieutenant marine was fond of the Iraqi Lieutenant now, in the same way you were.

"Are you hearin' me Salim?" He spoke back into his mic.

"If I don't make it out, tell my son I did everything I could". His voice came through in a saddened tone.

"Tell him yourself. I'm coming to get you". He nodded.

"I'm coming too". You spoke, shifting the AK in your hands, not wanting to ever leave Jason's side again. And not wanting to lose Salim.

"You've already almost died once for these people, I can't have you do that again". Jason answered you.

"I'm not leaving your side again Jason. Let's go". You told him, making your way down the platform. He followed you. He couldn't help but smirk on how stubborn you were for your size.

Running across the floor now, you had sight on the Iraqi, just before a vampire swooped down in front of him. Jason and you began to shoot your guns at it, diverging it's attention and giving Salim time to drive his pipe through its back.

The place was collapsing now, craters were falling. Towers of metal were being pushed over.

"Come to join the fun?" Salim laughed at the two of you, pulling the pipe from the vampires back.

Jason stood feet from you now, putting led into every single one of those fucking things he seen.

"Jason!" You shouted, noticing a vampire coming up from behind him. You were afraid to shoot at it, in case you would miss.

A screech came from the vampire as Salim had thrown the pipe into the vampire behind Jason. Coming up quickly, and pulling the pipe out, and driving it in once more until the vampire stopped squirming.

"Did you seriously just throw that thing at me?" Jason scoffed at Salim. Salim laughed as he pulled the metal pipe from the vampire.

"I did!"

Jason shook his head and laughed.

"Those explosions are pulling this whole damn place down. We need to get moving!" You shouted at them. The three of you took off down the platform. Into the caves and finally to the elevator. The screams of the vampires chasing you was cut with the fire of your comrades. They had waited for you. The three of you went in first, followed by Nick, Rachel and Eric.

Jason pulled down on the lever quickly as the elevator had began to rise with the same loud shaking noise as before.

"Oh man, that was un-fuckin-believable. Those things were all over us. But we busted through them like it was the last down of the goddamn Superbowl!" Jason cheered, pushing Salims shoulder playfully. Your smile catching the Lieutenants eyes. He realized you were so right about Salim.

"We're not out of the woods yet. But what I see in front of me, we're the best". He began to speak to the team.

"We will get home" You added.

"Oorah!" The five of you shouted.

"Oorah?" Salim questioned.

"Go on". You told him.

"Oorah!" He shouted, laughing. You and Jason laughed with him, though the others weren't as impressed.

Once the elevator had reached the top floor, the group began toward the caves until you came to the spot where your rope was still there.

Rachel and Eric climbed it quickly, followed by Nick and Salim. Jason and you had began to pull yourselves up before you slipped off back into your feet. The pain in your shoulder was preventing you from being able to pull yourself up.

"I can't do it". You told him. He slid down and met with you.

"What do you mean you can't do it? They didn't teach you how to climb a rope in the space force?" He asked. You shook your head at his ignorant question and sighed.

"No Jason! I mean, yes... Jesus fuck! It's my shoulder! I can't do it, it hurts too bad. I could tear it worse than it already is. Or fall". You exclaimed to him.

"Ohh, just hold onto me, I'll climb us up". He told you, wrapping his hands around the rope once more. You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck. Before he could start to climb, a shriek came from behind you, causing the both of you to let go.

With your guns bared, you turned to find Clarice. As one of those things.

"Oh fuck". Jason murmured to you. You frantically searched for the scissors, remembering you left them into that monster below. Jason shot at her with his gun but it was useless as she lunged forward, tackling Jason and pinning him down into the dirt.

Desperately trying to bite his neck, she was interrupted by your hands pulling her off. Through your tears, you focused your attention to her as she lunged at you this time, pinning you down as well. Jason had got to his feet and kicked her off of you, pulling you away.

Clarice stood up and faced the both of you now, as you were getting to your feet, she tackled Jason once more. Putting her in a chokehold, and shoving her off again, Clarice was greeted with a kick to the stomach as she was kicked off the ledge and fell below.

You stood and watched as your best friend in her final form, fell below. Sounds of the vampires behind were beginning to be heard again, attracted to the gunfire.

"Y/N, lets go". Jason's voice spoke behind you, putting a hand on your waist and pulling you the rope.

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