29. Eclipse

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The sound of rapid gunfire had burst through the area again but this time it was for a different enemy. The vampires were closing in on your group, sticking their heads through the holes in the hut. The bullets was keeping them back but quickly everyone was running out of bullets.

"I'm fucking out!" Jason was the first to admit, throwing his rifle to the ground in frustration. Two boxes in the corner of your eye had caught your attention.

"Cover me, this could be ammo!" You told the others around you as you bent down to open the boxes. Upon opening them you discovered that they were only flares.

"Flares? What? Who in the hell would need this many flares?" You informed them of your disappointing discovery.

"We have to use what we got". Eric's voice came bedside you, picking two up and lighting them. "Everyone grab one, we'll hold them off this way". He told the team as one by one everyone took one and lit it.

The group formed in a circle with your backs to each other, each of you facing a different part of the room as the vampires were getting in now.

"Y/N, it has been nice to know you". Salim told you beside. Looking over you to Jason he spoke again. "And a little less nice knowing you". He told Jason as he lit his flares finally.

"Shut up Salim, we're making it through this!" Jason told the Iraqi, but even in his voice you could hear the uncertainty.

The vampires began to break through as each of you began to fight your own fight. You could only hope that each of you would make it out of this alive.

The first vampire to attack you was a smaller one, pushing your flare into the neck of it you had the upper hand. Screeching from the light it had backed away from you and your attention had shifted to male voice yelling to your left. Eric was being pulled from the wall. Running to him quickly, you grabbed his leg and began to try to pull him back in as you were losing the fight.

"I need a hand over here!" You shouted at the others as nobody came to your aid— busy saving their own asses.

"Don't let go of me please Y/N!" Eric shouted from the crack in the wall. He was pulled out of the building now and you took off after him, throwing yourself into the vampire and driving Eric's knife that fell to the ground, into the vampires neck. You felt a splat of blood hit your face as vampire shrieked, getting up quickly and flying away from the scene with the knife still in its neck. Bending down to Eric you could see everything now. Where the marks of the vampires grip had sunk into him and he was bleeding out, fast.

Eric knew this. He met your eyes with terrified eyes of his own. Another look you had never seen on the colonel before.

"I'm sorry-" He began but you cut him short.

"Colonel stop it, you're getting out of here". You told him, choking back your tears. You began to try to sit him up but he stopped you.

"I'm going to die sergeant, you have to leave me here". He coughed up blood.

This scene felt all too familiar with you as you remembered Joey dying in your arms. But now your colonel was dying in front of you.

"Get up!" You shouted at him through tears, pulling him up again, he pushed you back before collapsing onto the ground again.

"Leave me here. That's an order". He told you sternly. "I need you back in there with the others. I need you to get our team out of here, alive". He grabbed your shoulder through thick breaths.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I'm sorry about Clarice. I'm sorry for making you come here. I'm sorry for making you believe in something I was so wrong about". He began to fill over. "I'm sorry about... everything Y/N". He told you, digging in his pocket he pulled out his dog tag and gave it to you. You began to sob as he hushed you.

"I need you to get this team back home. You hear me? Get them and yourself home". Pain was filling through your stomach as you watched him become more and more lifeless. The sunlight was coming back out now but your attention was still on the colonel as he was becoming cold.

"Thank you for everything". You hushed him through sobs.

The Enemy of my Enemy [JASON KOLCHEK x FEM READER]Where stories live. Discover now