17. Even Further Down

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Salim flipped on his lighter in the darkness as the two of you followed closely behind him, treading carefully. You came up on a opening in the wall where a metal gate separated it, squeezing between the poles into yet another open room. The three of you investigating it.

"Looks to me like a medical bay". Salim advised. Jason picked up a wrap of dynamite and showed it to the two of you.

"These could come in handy". He said, taking off his pack.

"If you want to stick sixty year old explosives in your bag Jason". You told him. It probably wasn't the smartest idea he's ever had but he was right. It could come in handy.

"Those chemical weapons are close right?" Jason joked to you and Salim. You bit your lip at his smart remark, once again poking fun at the failed mission.

"Every time you say something smart, you follow it with something dumb". Salim responded with. You walked to one of the tables and picked up a pair of scissors. Since you lost your knife in Joeys body, scissors could come in handy. You placed them in the side of your cargo pants.

"You planning on doing arts and crafts down here Y/N?" Jason noticed you. You shook your head at his witty remark. "My knife is buried into Joey". You told him. The two of you then created an awkward silence at the mention of the fallen Lance Corporal.

"Want to hear a joke?" Salim told the two of you breaking this. You went to respond with "sure" until Jason cut you off with a stern "no". Salim laughed, shaking his head. You picked up yet another piece of paper and began to read it.

"It's caverns". Salim said from a distance, Jason walking up to him. You threw the paper aside without getting to read it first, walking to the two. Another gate fence was separating an opening cave, Salim began to pull it open on the side for the three of you to fit through. Jason bent down and drew a JK in the dirt with an arrow pointing down that way.

"You think they're still alive? That's hopeful..." Salim spoke.

"Hope is all we have left". You responded to him, slipping past him and into the cavern.

The three of you began deeper into it, coming to a drop off with a platform below. Using the climbing rope each of you had, bringing yourself safely onto the platform. The space you were in was kinda beautiful actually. It had waterfalls around, crystal rocks hanging from up high.

"This is kind of beautiful, actually". You marveled at the scenery for a moment. Jason came up to you with the gun in his arms.

"If you want we could leave you here and come back for you. Let you soak it all in". The marine nudged you, before the two of you walked up to Salim holding something in his hand. He held a wallet with a picture of a woman in it.

"Is that your wife?" Jason asked him curiously.

"It's funny how you can know someone for years and never actually really know them. I had no idea my Captain was married". He responded with.

"Ah, I see. That's the asshole you were with earlier right?" Jason shot at him.

"Jason". You started, even though he was so right. He was an asshole.

"He didn't make it". Salims' words left his mouth in a saddened tone. Salim may have not seen eye to eye with his Captain, especially down here, but he knew that man for a long time.

"Works for me. One less bad guy to deal with". Jason said coldheartedly, ignoring the sadness in Salims voice.

"A time will come when you will deeply regret this manner".

"I don't carry regrets". Jason told him, turning away from the two of you. You watched as Salim threw the wallet into the waterfall just off of the cliff.

"And I don't forget that you shot me on the surface up there". He said standing with his back turned to the both of you. "So if you think we're friends, we're not". He added. You huffed once more at the haughty attitude from Kolchek. "You can regret that manner". He finished walking from you two.

"He has a lot of anger for someone so short. Where does he store it all?" Salim asked you. You laughed under your breath as the two of you followed him down deeper into the cavern, coming up on a large hole in the ground the width of a football field.

"Hey, check it out". You said, coming up on an elevator cable. "The explorers must've took this thing down". Your eyes traced the cable down.

"Then never came back up". Salim added.

"The winch still looks functional". Jason pointed to the winch above. You saw this, Jason appearing to have the same intentions as you.

"No". Salim stopped the two of you.

"No?" Jason whipped towards him.

"We are not going down there! The archeologists didn't make it out. What does that tell you?" Salim reminded the two of you.

"That... we're not archeologists?". You stated more than questioned.

"Our world is up there, not down below". Salim ordered.

"Yeah well there's an army of monsters between us and the world above". A screech from where the three of you had just came out from sounded after Jason finished his sentence.

"They're close, fire it up we have no choice". You told Jason, moving towards the elevator.

"You two crazy?! If those vampires come from anywhere it's down there! Do you really want to fight them in their own home?" He began after the two of you.

"That's what I've been doing since I stepped foot in this goddamn country!". He stepped to the Iraqi in frustration.

"Jason come on! Get the elevator working!" You shouted at him, drawing his attention away from Salim, jogging toward the generator he pulled the string on it making it start. Causing the elevator from the bottom to lift.

The elevator came up fast despite being so far away. It came up loudly as well, rattling from being so old. It finally reached the surface as the three of you stood before it.

"I don't like this". Salim pleaded. A loud sound came from the same direction, this time the vampire was in sight.

"We have no other choice". You told him, jumping onto the elevator. Jason following right after. Salim took another glance around before stepping onto it as well. To your surprise there was a light at the top of the box. Jason pulled the level in the elevator down quickly wasting no time. And the three of you began downward.

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